成人>成人 >新闻英语
出版社: 中国对外翻译出版公司
ID: 956
类别: 成人 > 成人 > 新闻英语
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
1 Deadpan;To Tread Water;To Rearrange(免费使用)
2 To Buck Someone Up;To Take Somebody to the Woodshed
3 On the Ropes;To Get to the Heart of Something;Lame Duck
4 Arm-twisting;Back-room Deal;Break-even Deal
5 Cliffhanger;To Clear the Final Hurdle;To Cross the Finish Line
6 A Shotgun Marriage;A Marriage Made in Heaven;To Play Cop;to Play God
7 Achilles Heel;Off the Wall;Off the Beam
8 Tour de Force;Pink Slip;Sin Tax
9 Light at the End of the Tunnel;On the Lam;Linchpin
10 Yellow Ribbon;Yellow Pages;Yellow Journalism
11 To Water Down;Straitjacket;To Have the Upper Hand
12 To Pull Up Stakes;The Deck Is Stacked Against Someone;Fast Track
13 To Pin Hopes on Something;Last-ditch;To Rub Someone the Wrong Way
14 To Cross One's Fingers;Backwater;To Speak One's Mind
15 Bean Counting;To Bleed Red Ink;To Stir Up a Hornet's Nest;Full of Beans
16 To Play Ball;Nuts and Bolts;To Throw In the Towel
17 To Take Stock of;Second Wind;Wind;Wish List
18 A Last Hurrah;Rough-and-Tumble;One-boat or Two-boat Trip
19 The Shoe Is on the Other Foot;Kid Glove Treatment;Blow-Hard
20 The Buck Stops Here;Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk;To Jump on the Bandwagon
21 Cabin Fever;To Be Snowed Under;Out of the Woods
22 To Wear One's Heart on One's Sleeve;The Way to a Man's Heart;To Open One's Heart
23 To Skate on Thin Ice;To Break the Ice;To Put on Ice
24 High-five;Second to None;Monday-morning Quarterback;Twenty-twenty Hindsight
25 To Close Ranks;Up for Grabs;Murphy's Law;At the Eleventh Hour
26 A Slap on the Wrist;To Eat Crow;to Short-circuit
27 Ghost Employees;Sweetheart Deal
28 To Dress to the Nines;To Burn a Hole in One's Pocket
29 Kickbacks;A Roll of the Dice
30 Underdog;A Long-shot;Dark Horse
31 Slapdash;Across-the-board;Back-of-the-envelope
32 In Cahoots with;To Pay Lip Service;Hare-brained
33 Smoking Gun;Cash Cows;Piggyback
34 To Get a Kick out of;Sticker Shock;A Stiff Upper Lip
35 Crunch Time;Job Lock;A Shot in the Arm
36 To Hunker Down;To Hold the High Ground;Trench Warfare
37 Out to Lunch;To Be Backed into a Corner;Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea;To Spell Out
38 Comeback Kid;To Be Saved by the Bell;Benchwarmer
39 To Bring to One's Knees;A Leg Up;On Tenterhooks
40 Swing Voters;Down to the Wire;In over One's Head
41 To Bring Home the Bacon;Cliffhanger;The Burning Question
42 True Blue;Buzzword;Bounceback
43 Misson Creep;Hotbed;Well-heeled
44 Football Widow;Nail-biter;Back on Track
45 Empty Suit;To Tune Out;Basket Case
46 To Run Scared;To Spin One's Wheels;Bumper Crop
47 Hogwash;To Take the Point;To Walk a Tightrope
48 Behind the Eight-ball;Dear John Letter;Payback Time
49 To Jump the Gun;To Stick One's Neck Out;To Grit One's Teeth
50 Acroee-the-board;To Raise a Red Flag;At the Drop of a Hat
51 Gimmick;To Scope out;Elbow Room
52 A Jump Start;Cracker-jack;Up-and-coming
53 Hype;Hoopla;Plug
54 Hacker;Geek;Snail Mail
55 Talking Heads;Sound Bites;Stake-out