成人>成人 >商务英语
出版社: 广东省语言音像出版社
ID: 906
类别: 成人 > 成人 > 商务英语
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 1. First Meetings(免费使用)
Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 2. Making Appointment
Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 3. An Important Introduction
Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 4. A Business Lunch
Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 5. Travel and Accommodation
Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 1. Making Arrangements over the Phone
Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 2. Small Talks in the Office
Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 3. A Working Day
Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 4. Meeting Customers
Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 5. Lunch at the Canteen
Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 1. Budget Problems
Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 2. Projects and Plans
Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 3. Company Strategy
Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 4. Dealing with Workforce Redundancy
Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 5. Discussing Pay Policies
Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 1. Talking about a Marketing Campaign
Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 2. Making a Sales Call
Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 3. Talking about Sales Results
Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 4. Talking about Sales Training
Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 5. Setting the Price of a Product
Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 1. Choosing an Overseas Market
Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 2. Meeting with a Potential Customer
Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 3. Maintaining Relation with Foreign Companies
Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 4. Negotiations
Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 5. Discussing an Agency Contract
Part VI Export and Import Business 1. Making a Deal with a Foreign Company
Part VI Export and Import Business 2. Talking about Shipping Documentation
Part VI Export and Import Business 3. Discussing Payment in Foreign Trade
Part VI Export and Import Business 4. Talking about Insurance in Foreign Trade
Part VI Export and Import Business 5. Opening up New Channels of Sales Abroad