成人>大学 >教辅
出版社: 清华大学出版社
ID: 797
类别: 成人 > 大学 > 教辅
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
第四版《新英语教程》 (New English Course)是一套全国通用的大学英语教材,...
Unit 1 What's Your Name Please? Section One(免费使用)
Unit 1 What's Your Name Please? Section Two
Unit 1 What's Your Name Please? Section Three
Unit 2 How Are You? Section One
Unit 2 How Are You? Section Two
Unit 2 How Are You? Section Three
Unit 3 How Do You Do? Section One
Unit 3 How Do You Do? Section Two
Unit 3 How Do You Do? Section Three
Unit 4 Tell Me About Your Family! Section One
Unit 4 Tell Me About Your Family! Section Two
Unit 4 Tell Me About Your Family! Section Three
Unit 5 What Time Do You Get Up? Section One
Unit 5 What Time Do You Get Up? Section Two
Unit 5 What Time Do You Get Up? Section Three
Unit 6 What Do You Do After You Get Up? Section One
Unit 6 What Do You Do After You Get Up? Section Two
Unit 6 What Do You Do After You Get Up? Section Three
Unit 7 How Much Is It? Section One
Unit 7 How Much Is It? Section Two
Unit 7 How Much Is It? Section Three
Unit 8 Consolidation Section One
Unit 8 Consolidation Section Two
Test 1
Unit 9 When Shall We Meet? Section One
Unit 9 When Shall We Meet? Section Two
Unit 9 When Shall We Meet? Section Three
Unit 10 What Does She Look Like? Section One
Unit 10 What Does She Look Like? Section Two
Unit 10 What Does She Look Like? Section Three
Unit 11 I Am Sorry Section One
Unit 11 I Am Sorry Section Two
Unit 11 I Am Sorry Section Three
Unit 12 Where Is It? Section One
Unit 12 Where Is It? Section Two
Unit 12 Where Is It? Section Three
Unit 13 Can You Tell Me The Way? Section One
Unit 13 Can You Tell Me The Way? Section Two
Unit 13 Can You Tell Me the Way? Section Three
Unit 14 I Suggest We Go There by Bus Section One
Unit 14 I Suggest We Go There by Bus Section Two
Unit 14 I Suggest We Go There by Bus Section Three
Unit 15 Can I Help You? Section One
Unit 15 Can I Help You? Section Two
Unit 15 Can I Help You? Section Three
Unit 16 Consolidation Section One
Unit 16 Consolidation Section Two
Test 2