小学>六年级 >同步课程
出版社: 人民教育出版社
ID: 3599
类别: 小学 > 六年级 > 同步课程
六年级上册 (2014年3月第1版)
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
亲爱的同学们: 你们好!新的学期开始啦!你们将在第一学期英语学习的基础上继续增长英语知识,...
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 2
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 3
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 4
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 5
Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 6
Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00. Revision
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 7
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 8
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 9
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 10
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 11
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Lesson 12
Unit 2 What's our hobby? Revision
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 13
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 14
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 15
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 16
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 17
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 18
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Revision
Fun Time 1
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 19
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 20
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 21
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 22
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 23
Unit 4 January is the first month. Lesson 24
Unit 4 January is the first month. Revision
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 25
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 26
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 26
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 28
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 29
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 30
Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Revision
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 31
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 32
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 33
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 34
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 35
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Lesson 36
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year. Revision
Fun Time 2