高中>高三 >同步课程
出版社: 人民出版社
ID: 3419
类别: 高中 > 高三 > 同步课程
高中英语 (人教新课标) (选修) 11 (2010年11月)
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语》是为了适应新形势发展的需要,根据教育部制定的《普通高中...
Unit 1 New Zealand (1) (免费使用)
Unit 1 New Zealand (2)
Unit 1 New Zealand (3)
Unit 2 Detective stories (1)
Unit 2 Detective stories (2)
Unit 2 Detective stories (3)
Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (1)
Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (2)
Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (3)
Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (1)
Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (2)
Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (3)
Unit 5 Launching your career (1)
Unit 5 Launching your career (2)
Unit 5 Launching your career (3)
Workbook Unit 1 New Zealand (1)
Workbook Unit 1 New Zealand (2)
Workbook Unit 1 New Zealand (3)
Workbook Unit 2 Detective stories (1)
Workbook Unit 2 Detective stories (2)
Workbook Unit 2 Detective stories (3)
Workbook Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (1)
Workbook Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (2)
Workbook Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective (3)
Workbook Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (1)
Workbook Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (2)
Workbook Unit 4 Legends of ancient Greece (3)
Workbook Unit 5 Launching your career (1)
Workbook Unit 5 Launching your career (2)
Workbook Unit 5 Launching your career (3)