小学>五年级 >教辅
出版社: 广东版
ID: 2977
类别: 小学 > 五年级 > 教辅
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
《小学英语阅读100篇》与大家见面了,这是我们献给广大小学生和英语教师的一份礼物。 ...
100. The North Wind and the Sun
1. Poor Man!(免费使用)
2. Kate
3. Can You Find Bob?
4. My Room
5. What Are They Doing?
6. My Family
7. An Outing
8. Our Class
9. Never Late
10. In the Classroom
11. A Football Match
12. My Parents
13. A Riddle
14. Jim's Bedroom
15. Daydream
16. A Picture of a Park
17. Going to the Zoo
18. Mike and Tom
19. At Lunchtime
20. Two Pictures
21. A Nice Girl
22. On Sunday
23. Mr Black
24. A Clock and a Watch
25. Meet Lily
26. A Happy Family
27. A Good Time
28. Aunt Jane's Birthday
29. Mary and Her Sisters
30. An Accident
31. Back to School
32. Shirley and Yina
33. About Grorge
34. In the Park
35. Two Girl' Parents
36. A Dog for My Daughter
37. An Exact Man
38. A Beautiful Sunny Day
39. Mr Zhang
40. Make Other People Happy
41. The Old Mouse
42. Two Shoes
43. The First Question
44. The Farmer and the Snake
45. A Careless Grandfather
46. Fish? Mike?
47. Looking for a Pen Pal
48. On a Bus
49. Two Holes
50. Making a Telephone Call
51. Cutting the Cake
52. The Lu Xun Museum
53. A History Question
54. Streets of Water
55. Who Puts Ink on My Chair
56. Cinema Tickets
57. A Stammering Bird
58. Secen Days
59. Tom Is Late
60. A Letter
61. Bill and Sue
62. A Crow and a Fox
63. Jimmy
64. A Boxer and a Runner
65. To Be Modest
66. Birds
67. Three Gardens
68. A French Studens
69. Under the Ground
70. One Man in a Boat
71. One Dog or Two?
72. A Funny Man
73. The Dawsons' House
74. An American Girl
75. The Sea
76. Billy's Drawing
77. Our School Library
78. A Naughty Boy
79. Saying Goodbye
80. Bob and the Bird
81. A Difficult Question
82. The Wolf and the Little Goat
83. Eyeglasses
84. A Good Restaurant
85. The Bad Ears of the Elephant
86. A Clever Boy
87. Neighbours
88. Dirty Hands
89. An Orange and a Gold Cup
90. 'Fly' Soup
91. A Party
92. The Opposite Direction
93. Four Seasons
94. A Coward
95. Sign Language
96. Two Friends and a Bear
97. A Canadian
98. George Washington and Thief
99. Asking the Way