成人>成人 >新闻英语
出版社: 100e
ID: 2536
类别: 成人 > 成人 > 新闻英语
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
第201讲:Sunday best; Sunday driver (免费使用)
第202讲:one for the books; know someone like a book
第203讲:close the books; cook the books
第204讲:bad-mouth; shoot one's mouth off
第205讲:walk on air; walk the floor
第206讲:take a walk; walk on eggshells
第207讲:motor mouth; foot in mouth disease
第208讲:put your money where your mouth is...
第209讲:wall-to-wall; wallflower
第210讲:climb the wall; drive someone up the wall
第211讲:stonewall; off the wall
第212讲:over the long haul; long shot
第213讲:short and sweet; the long and short of it
第214讲:in short order; get the short end of the stick
第215讲:on the level; kosher
第216讲:open and aboveboard; on the up and up
第217讲:ups and downs; down and out
第218讲:get caught with one's hand in the cookie jar...
第219讲:touch base; do lunch
第220讲:birds of a feather; feather one's own nest
第221讲:as light as a feather; a feather in one's cap
第222讲:breadwinner; know which side one's bread is buttered on
第223讲:bread and butter; butter up someone
第224讲:butterfingers; butterball
第225讲:like greased lightning; like a bat out of hell
第226讲:slow burn; slow as molasses
第227讲:give one a break; break even
第228讲:break the news; break the ice
第229讲:sacred cow; dark horse
第230讲:right on the mark; right up one's alley
第231讲:give someone the hook; by hook or by crook
第232讲:pick up the tab; go dutch...
第233讲:tax-and-spend liberal; knee-jerk liberal...
第234讲:redneck; McCarthyite
第235讲:dry run; cut and dried
第236讲:high and dry; dry up
第237讲:in the doghouse; between a rock and a hard place
第238讲:bummer; bum rap
第239讲:fair and square; fair shake
第240讲:fair game; fair-haired boy
第241讲:the time of one's life; in the nick of time
第242讲:front money; hush money
第243讲:freelance; freeloader
第244讲:free and easy; handy guy; free-for-all
第245讲:blow one's own horn; blow the lid off
第246讲:play with fire; fight fire with fire
第247讲:half-baked; half-hearted
第248讲:get to the bottom of something; scrape the bottom of the barrel
第249讲:there's no such thing as a free lunch; power lunch
第250讲:easy money; bet one's bottom dollar