成人>成人 >新闻英语
出版社: 100e
ID: 2509
类别: 成人 > 成人 > 新闻英语
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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第1讲:give one a hand; foot the bill... (免费使用)
第2讲:greasy spoon; potluck
第3讲:it goes in one ear and out the other
第4讲:doggy bag; sunny side up
第5讲:in hot water; throw cold water on sth.
第6讲:hold water; water off a duck's back; make mouth water
第7讲:blow up; blow out
第8讲:be led by the nose; under your nose
第9讲:pull your socks up; knock one's socks off
第10讲:poker face; close to your vest
第11讲:shoe is on the other foot; work hand in glove
第12讲:follow your nose; pay through the nose
第13讲:keep an ear to the ground; up to one's ears
第14讲:sweeten the pot; the cards are stacked against sb.
第15讲:fly off the handle; bark up the wrong tree
第16讲:right on the beam; fly by the seat of one's pants
第17讲:keep one's shirt on; lose one's shirt
第18讲:stuffed shirt; give you the shirt off his back
第19讲:bail out; nose dive
第20讲:up in arms; at arm's length
第21讲:shake a leg; pull one's leg
第22讲:twist one's arm; charge someone an arm and a leg
第23讲:take candy from a baby; a piece of cake
第24讲:top gun; bottom line
第25讲:just for laughs; laugh up one's sleeve
第26讲:horse laugh; the last laugh
第27讲:red letter day; red tape
第28讲:black sheep; white lie
第29讲:rain check; it never rains but it pours
第30讲:to stick to ones gun; shoot the breeze
第31讲:green thumb; green light
第32讲:sing the blues; like a bolt out of the blue
第33讲:as American as apple pie; hot potato
第34讲:put all his eggs in the basket; eat crow
第35讲:monkey business; make monkey out of sb.
第36讲:hot seat; hot and bothered
第37讲:break one's neck; stick one's neck out
第38讲:pain in the neck; neck and neck
第39讲:have a heart; cross my heart
第40讲:my heart stood still; heart-to-heart talk
第41讲:go all out; go through hell or high water
第42讲:go for broke; go overboard
第43讲:put one's best foot forward; land on one's feet
第44讲:get off on the wrong foot; put one's foot in one's mouth
第45讲:cold feet; jump in and get one's feet wet
第46讲:ants in your pants; have butterflies in one's stomach
第47讲:bug someone; louse up
第48讲:get a foot in the door; dead on one's feet
第49讲:stand on one's own two feet ; throw oneself at someone's feet
第50讲:to be swept off one's feet; don't let the grass grow under one's feet