成人>大学 >教辅
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
ID: 2457
类别: 成人 > 大学 > 教辅
法学专业英语教程 第1册
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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《大学专业英语系列教材》是根据教育部最新颁布的 《大学英语教学大纲》的基本要求,为大学英语学...
Unit One Lesson One Law: Definition, Classification, and Sources (无声音可练习) (免费使用)
Unit One Lesson Two Duality in the American Legal System (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Three The Adversary System in the American Judicial Process (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Four Commencing a Lawsuit (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Five Pre-trial Discovery (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Six The Trial (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Seven Judgment, Enforcement, and Appeal (无声音可练习)
Unit One Lesson Eight Criminal Process (无声音可练习)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (1) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (2) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (3) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (4) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (5) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (6) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (7) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (8) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (9) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (10) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (11) (无声音)
Unit One Cases for Supplementary Reading (12) (无声音)
Unit Two Lesson One The Institutions of Government (无声音可练习)
Unit Two Lesson Two Separation of Powers (无声音可练习)
Unit Two Lesson Three Federal — State Relations (无声音可练习)
Unit Two Lesson Four Civil Liberties (无声音可练习)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (1) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (2) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (3) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (4) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (5) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (6) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (7) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (8) (无声音)
Unit Two Cases for Supplementary Reading (9) (无声音)