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Turkey Gets a New President; Pakistan Waits and Wonders How Its Political Crisis Will End(免费使用)
How Bad Loans in US Can Have a Far Reach
Interest Grows in Training to Prepare for a Disaster
Parents Warned on Use of Cough and Cold Medicines in Children
Fresh From the Store, or the Cow? The Debate Over Raw Milk
Starting a Business Means Getting Organized
Fred Thompson: Actor, Senator, and Now a Late Entry in the '08 Presidential Race
UNICEF to Work With a Private Group to Fight AIDS
Gaining Weight as Friends, and Maybe Losing It Too
Appalachian State in Public Eye After Win Over Michigan
Adjustable-Rate Home Loans Could Hurt Many American Homeowners
New Web Site Targets World's Unsafe Drinking Water
Study Links Virus to Bee Disorder in US, but Questions Remain
Debating the Teen Brain
Longer School Day = More Learning? Not Necessarily
US Central Bank Moves to Ease Credit, Protect Economy
After Duke Case, Fairness Issue Is Renewed With 'Jena 6'
Demand for Goat Meat Grows in US
The Debate Over Merit Pay for Teachers
Bush Announces Some Troops Will Leave Iraq; Democrats Want More
Fukuda Takes Office in Tokyo, and First Issue is Crisis in Burma
Strip Cropping as a Way to Increase Cowpea Production