初中>八年级 >同步课程
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
ID: 206
类别: 初中 > 八年级 > 同步课程
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
同学们:你们好! 欢迎大家学习《英语》(新标准)(初中起点)教材!本套教材是专门为...
Module 1 MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS UNIT 1 How long have you lived here?(免费使用)
Module 1 MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS UNIT 2 He's gone to New York on business
Module 1 MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS UNIT 3 Where have you been today?
Module 2 THE FUTURE UNIT 1 I think the world will become hotter
Module 2 THE FUTURE UNIT 2 Some animals will die
Module 2 THE FUTURE UNIT 3 What will you do in the future?
Module 3 COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET UNIT 1 Tomorrow we'll go into the Computer Room
Module 3 COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET UNIT 2 Will you sit down, please?
Module 3 COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET UNIT 3 You will have an English test next week
Module 4 ASKING THE WAY UNIT 1 Can you tell me how to get to Tian'anmen Square?
Module 4 ASKING THE WAY UNIT 2 I'm looking for the National Museum
Module 4 ASKING THE WAY UNIT 3 Do you know where the station is?
Module 5 A FABLE UNIT 1 A frog in a little well
Module 5 A FABLE UNIT 2 I live in the East Sea
Module 5 A FABLE UNIT 3 The frog lived in the well
Module 6 A FARM UNIT 1 It was hard work but I enjoyed it
Module 6 A FARM UNIT 2 He couldn't go to college but he wanted a good job
Module 6 A FARM UNIT 3 Many farmers grow rice, fruit, vegetables or tea
Module 7 ENERGY UNIT 1 My mum was cooking dinner.
Module 7 ENERGY UNIT 2 So do I
Module 7 ENERGY UNIT 3 John and I were looking out of the window
Module 8 FOOD UNIT 1 He said that he liked healthy food
Module 8 FOOD UNIT 2 We think that meat and fried foods are not healthy
Module 8 FOOD UNIT 3 Most Chinese people eat it every day
Module 9 A VISITOR FROM CANADA UNIT 1 Do you know how the fan works?
Module 9 A VISITOR FROM CANADA UNIT 2 I wonder whether you can help her
Module 9 A VISITOR FROM CANADA UNIT 3 Can you show Miss Green where the lunch room is?
Module 10 SEEING A DOCTOR UNIT 1 I don't feel well, Mum
Module 10 SEEING A DOCTOR UNIT 2 How can I help you, Mrs Nell?
Module 11 NELSON MANDELA UNIT 1 I'm about to go to South Africa
Module 11 NELSON MANDELA UNIT 2 Nelson Mandela used to live there
Module 12 YAO MING UNIT 1 A great player and a nice person
Module 12 YAO MING UNIT 2 The Olympic Games
Module 12 YAO MING UNIT 3 Do you want to watch, too?