成人>成人 >行业英语
出版社: 赖世雄-常春藤有声出版有限公司
ID: 1490
类别: 成人 > 成人 > 行业英语
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
《出门万事通》是本社历年来针对欲学好英文口语的社会人士及在学学生所设计的完整系列。 ...
Unit 43 Sleepover at Pam's House (免费使用)
Unit 44 Friday
Unit 45 Saturday
Unit 46 Sunday
Unit 47 House Cleaning
Unit 48 Going to Church
Unit 49 Brunch
Unit 50 Sitcoms
Unit 51 Reruns
Unit 53 Chinese Food
Unit 54 Falling Ill at School
Unit 55 At the Nurse's
Unit 56 Getting Picked Up
Unit 57 Cindy's Boyfriend
Unit 58 Dating in Taiwan
Unit 59 First Date
Unit 60 Dressing for Winter
Unit 61 The Wind Chill Factor
Unit 62 Late for Class
Unit 63 Breaking Lisa's Vase
Unit 64 Making Out-of-State Calls
Unit 65 Calling Taiwan
Unit 66 Asking for Directions
Unit 67 On a Bus
Unit 68 Grocery Shopping
Unit 69 At the Supermarket
Unit 70 Getting Personal Items
Unit 71 Check-out Counter
Unit 72 Clothes Shopping
Unit 73 Looking for the Right Size
Unit 74 Going to the Post Office
Unit 75 Fast Food (Drive-through)
Unit 76 Fancy Restaurant (Ⅰ)
Unit 77 Fancy Restaurant (Ⅱ)
Unit 78 Fancy Restaurant (Ⅲ)
Unit 79 Bring Me the Check
Unit 80 Going to the Movies
Unit 81 Going to an Amusement Park
Unit 82 Riding Strategy
Unit 83 Farewell at the Airport
Unit 84 A Thank-you Letter
Unit 85 Before You Go