小学>四年级 >教辅
出版社: 河北教育出版社
ID: 1345
类别: 小学 > 四年级 > 教辅
小学英语同步练 四年级下册 与冀教教材同步(无声音)
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
本套教辅材料具有以下鲜明的特点: 贯彻课标理念,提升学习能力。本套教辅根据新的课程...
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 1 How Are You?(免费使用)
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 2 Friends
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 3 Is This Your Pencil?
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 4 Where Is It?
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 5 How Many Do I Have?
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 6 Where Are They?
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a Quiz?
Unit 1 Hello Again! Lesson 8 Again, Please!
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 9 Months of the Year
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 10 First, Second, Third
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 11 When Is It?
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 12 Rain and Sun
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 13 How's the Weather Today?
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 14 What Time Is It?
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 15 Are You Ready for a Quiz?
Unit 2 Days and Months Lesson 16 Again, Please!
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 17 How Old Are You?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 18 How Tall Are You?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 19 What Are You Wearing?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 20 Where Do You Live?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 21 What Is Your Address?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 22 Do You Walk to School?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 23 Are You Ready for a Quiz?
Unit 3 All about Me Lesson 24 Again, Please!
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 25 My Favourite Colours
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 26 My Favourite Clothes
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 27 My Favourite Food
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 28 My Favourite Dessert
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 29 What Do You Like to Do?
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 30 My Favourite School Work
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant?
Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 32 Again, Please!