成人>大学 >教辅
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
ID: 1164
类别: 成人 > 大学 > 教辅
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
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本书从指导思想的酝酿,资料的收集到练习的编写长达六年之久。 中国学生常常感到掌握英...
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Lesson 1 Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society? Text
Lesson 1 Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society? Read(1)
Lesson 1 Does Television Play a Positive or Negative Role in the Modern Society? Read(2)
Lesson 2 Are Pets Good for Mankind? Text
Lesson 2 Are Pets Good for Mankind? Read(1)
Lesson 2 Are Pets Good for Mankind? Read(2)
Lesson 3 Should the Brain Drain be Stopped by Restrictions? Text
Lesson 3 Should the Brain Drain be Stopped by Restrictions? Read(1)
Lesson 3 Should the Brain Drain be Stopped by Restrictions? Read(2)
Lesson 4 Does Criticism Do More Harm Than Good to People? Text
Lesson 4 Does Criticism Do More Harm Than Good to People? Read(1)
Lesson 4 Does Criticism Do More Harm Than Good to People? Read(2)
Lesson 5 Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs? Text
Lesson 5 Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs? Read(1)
Lesson 5 Is It Good for Students to Have Part-time Jobs? Read(2)
Lesson 6 Is Euthanasia Humane? Text
Lesson 6 Is Euthanasia Humane? Read(1)
Lesson 6 Is Euthanasia Humane? Read(2)
Lesson 7 Do Examinations Do More Harm Than Good? Text
Lesson 7 Do Examinations Do More Harm Than Good? Read(1)
Lesson 7 Do Examinations Do More Harm Than Good? Read(2)
Lesson 8 Should We Diet in Order to Keep Fit? Text
Lesson 8 Should We Diet in Order to Keep Fit? Read(1)
Lesson 8 Should We Diet in Order to Keep Fit? Read(2)
Lesson 9 Is It a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in the World? Text
Lesson 9 Is It a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in the World? Read(1)
Lesson 9 Is It a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in the World? Read(2)
Lesson 10 Should Students Only Learn from Books? Text
Lesson 10 Should Students Only Learn from Books? Read(1)
Lesson 10 Should Students Only Learn from Books? Read(2)
Lesson 11 Does Parental Permissiveness Affect Children's Development? Text
Lesson 11 Does Parental Permissiveness Affect Children's Development? Read(1)
Lesson 11 Does Parental Permissiveness Affect Children's Development? Read(2)
Lesson 12 Is It Necessary to Develop Tourism? Text
Lesson 12 Is It Necessary to Develop Tourism? Read(1)
Lesson 12 Is It Necessary to Develop Tourism? Read(2)
Lesson 13 Work to Live or Live to Work? Text
Lesson 13 Work to Live or Live to Work? Read(1)
Lesson 13 Work to Live or Live to Work? Read(2)