初中>九年级 >兴趣课程
出版社: 北京泰德英语教育发展有限公司
ID: 1042
类别: 初中 > 九年级 > 兴趣课程
1. 全部多媒体系列课程(同步、兴趣、单项、交际、行业、商务)任意学习,种类不限,次数不限。
2. 可以参加“挑战一百易”活动,赢取奖金或学分,用以报名或者兑换礼物;
3. 春季期间可以专享一百易实时在线课堂。
本丛书三大特色 学地道语料,积累英语语感 本从书从人们最为关切的主题入手...
Boutique Babies(免费使用)
How Does the Sound of the Ocean Get Inside a Seashell?
Why Do Eggs Stand on End on the Day of Dragon Boat Festival?
Say Something, Dummy!
Why Do We Have Fingerprints?
Is Beauty No More Than A Matter of Math?
What Makes Your Hair Stand on End?
Why Do We Get So Hot When We Have a Cold?
Are Identical Twins Really That Identical?
Why Does Ice Cream Make You Scream?
Psychedelic Sky
High Hopes for Hydrogen
Kick Butts!
They're Us!
Which Half Are You?
Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
Can Animals See Color?
Why Do We Get Goose Bumps?
Why Is the Dead Sea Dying?
Why Do Microwave Ovens Cook So Fast?
What Is Dry about Dry Cleaning?
Why Do Leaves Change Color in Fall?