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英语听力的提高只依赖于多听是完全不够的,实际上,听力技巧性的训练至关重要。传统的听力教学更多地侧重于听力素材,而忽视了技巧性的学习,以至于有的人学了十多年英语还是听不懂原版的英文节目。 Faith 英语系列丛书听力篇《Listen to English This Way》(这样说英语)打破传统英语听力教学法,更多地进行听力技巧性训练,可以从实际意义上解决读者听英语的各个难关,从而有效地,真正地,彻底地提高读者的英语听力技能。 本书中的各个听力技巧概括如下: 增强对英语音素及单词的敏感度 听懂整个句子 听懂快速英语 听懂英文数字 听懂带从句的句子 听懂主要意思 学会快速,有效地作听力笔记 听力综合技巧训练等 本书中的许多听力原始资料来自英文专题片,电影等,实用性强。同时,每课后有本课听力材料中遇到的新单词注释以及典型句子的解释。不仅提高你的听力,同时增加英语知识。 我希望你们能喜欢本书,并能受益非浅。


Unit One CREATE AWARENESS ON ENGLISH SOUNDS AND WORDS Lesson One: Create Awareness On Vowel Sounds Instructions on Note-Taking (1)(免费使用)

Unit One CREATE AWARENESS ON ENGLISH SOUNDS AND WORDS Lesson Two: Create Awareness On Consonant Sounds Instructions on Note-Taking (2)

Unit One CREATE AWARENESS ON ENGLISH SOUNDS AND WORDS Lesson Three: Create Awareness on English Sounds Instructions on Note-Taking (3)

Unit Two UNDERSTAND A SENTENCE Lesson One: 'Bone' Theory Introduction Follow Your Dreams

Unit Two UNDERSTAND A SENTENCE Lesson Two: Understand A Sentence Structure Pets Around the World

Unit Two UNDERSTAND A SENTENCE Lesson Three: Understand Sentences Specialist English

Unit Three UNDERSTAND FAST SPEECH Lesson One: Understand Word Linking And Silent Letters Graduating Speech-Do It True

Unit Three UNDERSTAND FAST SPEECH Lesson Two: Understand Weak Form of Auxiliary Verbs My Paper Is Due This Coming Monday

Unit Three UNDERSTAND FAST SPEECH Lesson Three: Understand Weak Form of Preposition Gifts Shopping

Unit Four UNDERSTAND NUMBERS Lesson One: Understand 'thousand' --- Mergers In The Airline Industry (1)

Unit Four UNDERSTAND NUMBERS Lesson Two: Understand Numbers with 'Million' --- Mergers In The Airline Industry (2)

Unit Four UNDERSTAND NUMBERS Lesson Three: Understand Various Numbers Coffee--One of the Most Popular Drinks

Unit Five UNDERSTAND SENTENCES WITH CLAUSES Lesson One: Understand Sentences with Clauses (1) Electronic Payments

Unit Five UNDERSTAND SENTENCES WITH CLAUSES Lesson Two: Understand Sentences with Clauses (2) Coca Cola --- the History of An American Icon

Unit Five UNDERSTAND SENTENCES WITH CLAUSES Lesson Three: Understand Sentences with Clauses (3) Microsoft Facing Unsure Future

Unit Six UNDERSTAND MAIN POINTS Lesson One: Understand the Main Points of A Sentence Marlene Dietrich

Unit Six UNDERSTAND MAIN POINTS Lesson Two: Understand the Main Points of A Paragraph The Biggest Casino in the World -- Las Vegas

Unit Six UNDERSTAND MAIN POINTS Lesson Three: Understand The Main Points Times Oapsule

Unit Seven NOTE-TAKING Lesson One: Note-Taking (1) --- What to Note Down Agreement on The Nation's Tobacco Companies

Unit Seven NOTE-TAKING Lesson Two: Note-Taking (2) --- Abbreviations Merge Agreement of Exxon and Mobil

Unit Seven NOTE-TAKING Lesson Three: Note-Taking (3) ---Understand Details The Euro--A New Money

Unit Eight COMPREHENSIVE LISTENING SKILLS Lesson One: Comprehensive Listening Skills (1) Darcy's Job Assuming Presentation

Unit Eight COMPREHENSIVE LISTENING SKILLS Lesson Two: Comprehensive Listening Skills (2) Genetics ---Twin Take

Unit Eight COMPREHENSIVE LISTENING SKILLS Lesson Three: Comprehensive Listening Skills (3) Hijacking and Airport Security