


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  商务英语



有的人学英语初入门,往往便举步彷徨,不知如何进一步提高。我们编写这套丛书,便是试图帮助读者在步入英语之门后,引其“登堂入室”,更上一层楼。 本套丛书有如下特点: 一、以“说”和“读”为重点,以帮助读者提高口头表达能力和阅读能力为目标。不仅有浅明实用的日常会话和商务口语,通俗易懂的英语故事,还有“高品味”的英美文学名篇选读和英诗欣赏。可以说是“熔雅、俗于一炉”。 二、既注重增长读者的知识、技能和才干,也注意内容的趣味性和语言的生动性,寓教于乐。 三、编排遵循由浅入深的原则,使读者能循序渐进;对难懂的字句和读者不熟悉的典故、背景等都加以注释和介绍。通常还附有参考译文,帮助读者加深理解。 四、本书语音纯正、语调,以“声”助“文”,音文并茂。


Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 1. First Meetings(免费使用)

Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 2. Making Appointment

Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 3. An Important Introduction

Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 4. A Business Lunch

Part Ⅰ Meeting People in Business 5. Travel and Accommodation

Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 1. Making Arrangements over the Phone

Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 2. Small Talks in the Office

Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 3. A Working Day

Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 4. Meeting Customers

Part Ⅱ Working in the Office 5. Lunch at the Canteen

Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 1. Budget Problems

Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 2. Projects and Plans

Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 3. Company Strategy

Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 4. Dealing with Workforce Redundancy

Part Ⅲ Talking about Company Management 5. Discussing Pay Policies

Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 1. Talking about a Marketing Campaign

Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 2. Making a Sales Call

Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 3. Talking about Sales Results

Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 4. Talking about Sales Training

Part Ⅳ Sales and Marketing 5. Setting the Price of a Product

Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 1. Choosing an Overseas Market

Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 2. Meeting with a Potential Customer

Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 3. Maintaining Relation with Foreign Companies

Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 4. Negotiations

Part Ⅴ Business Contacts 5. Discussing an Agency Contract

Part VI Export and Import Business 1. Making a Deal with a Foreign Company

Part VI Export and Import Business 2. Talking about Shipping Documentation

Part VI Export and Import Business 3. Discussing Payment in Foreign Trade

Part VI Export and Import Business 4. Talking about Insurance in Foreign Trade

Part VI Export and Import Business 5. Opening up New Channels of Sales Abroad