


类别: 小学  >  五年级  >  交际英语



英语已成为国际交际语言,作为21世纪的人,掌握好英语是工作中及现代社会交往中必不可少的基本素质。掌握好英语是指英语学习者具备充分的听、说、写 、译的语言综合能力。在这些综合能力中,一个人能否说一口标准、流利的英语是衡量其英语程度高低的重要标志。因为语言学习的最终目的是能够自如地运用,口语是一个人的门面,口语就是竞争力。流利的口语表达要求发音标准、语调正确、节奏感强、语言得体等。《疯狂英语900句》正是着力从以上几方面来编写的,以帮助读者在较短时间内提高口语的流利程度。 根据学习由浅入深的特点,将全书的内容分为三大部分:基础会话,生活会话和提高飞跃,使读者循序渐进地提高自身英语水平。总共70篇课文,题材极其丰富,内容涉及到日常生活和社会交际的各方面,如问候相识、学习工作、旅游休假、看病求医、网络时尚、商务经贸等等,具有很强的操作性。每课设十几个基本表达句,两段情景对话,对重点难点配有注释讲解,力求使读者在最短的时间内掌握最实用的英语,满足工作生活之需。 坚持不懈地努力,大胆开口多说多练,成功终究属于你!


Lesson 1 Greetings(免费使用)

Lesson 2 Getting to Know Each Other

Lesson 3 Saying Farewell

Lesson 4 Objects

Lesson 5 Classroom Expressions

Lesson 6 Time and date

Lesson 7 Making Requests

lesson 8 Food and Drink

Lesson 9 Countries and Nationalities

Lesson 10 Holidays and Special Occasions

Lesson 11 Likes, Dislikes and Preferences

Lesson 12 Weather

Lesson 13 Going Traveling

Lesson 14 Going Shopping

Lesson 15 Seeing a Doctor

Lesson 16 Asking and Directing the Way

Lesson 17 Asking Questions

Lesson 18 Going to the Barber's

Lesson 19 Making Telephone Calls

Lesson 20 Making Future Plans and Decisions

Lesson 21 At the Library

Lesson 22 At a Bookshop

Lesson 23 At the Laundry

Lesson 24 At the Post Office

Lesson 25 Taking a Bus

Lesson 26 At a Restaurant

Lesson 27 Making an Appointment

Lesson 28 Going to the Toilet

Lesson 29 At the Office

Lesson 30 Making Complaints

Lesson 31 Receiving Guests

Lesson 32 Booking a Ticket

Lesson 33 Hunting for a Job

Lesson 34 Having an Interview

Lesson 35 Asking for a Raise

Lesson 36 Negotiation

Lesson 37 At the Customs

Lesson 38 Going to a Ball

Lesson 39 Depositing and Withdrawing Money

Lesson 40 Overseas Study

Lesson 41 Joining Clubs

Lesson 42 Talking about Music

Lesson 43 Talking about TV Programs

Lesson 44 Talking about Language Studies

Lesson 45 Talking about Famous People

Lesson 46 Talking about Countries

Lesson 47 Talking about Sickness

Lesson 48 Talking about News and Newspapers

Lesson 49 Talking about Friends and Friendship

Lesson 50 Talking about Daily Habits

Lesson 51 Talking about Hobbies

Lesson 52 Talking about Sports

Lesson 53 Talking about Teachers

Lesson 54 Environment and Pollution

Lesson 55 Talking about Home

Lesson 56 Talking about Keeping Pets

Lesson 57 Talking about Economy

Lesson 58 Talking about Politics

Lesson 59 Talking about Children's Education

Lesson 60 Talking about Housing

Lesson 61 Talking about Internet

Lesson 62 Talking about Money

Lesson 63 Talking about Security

Lesson 64 Talking about Literature

Lesson 65 Talking about Art

Lesson 66 Talking about Fashion

Lesson 67 Talking about Advertising

Lesson 68 Talking about Celebrities

Lesson 69 Talking about Migration

Lesson 70 Talking about Cultural Differences