


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  行业英语



随着涉外企业的涌现,社会上学习企业管理实用英语的要求十分迫切。而我国不少英语学习者往往有较强的阅读能力,听和说的能力则偏弱。为此,我们专门编写了《企业管理英语口语》,以适应涉外企业各级管理人员学习专业英语,尤其是提高听力和口语这一需要。 本书以一家虚构的英国公司为背景,通过对话形式叙述了公司的各项业务活动。所述内容覆盖了企业管理各方面所涉及的大量情景和问题,如公司组织、市场营销、广告宣传、生产管理、董事会议、专利问题、保险类别、财务管理、员工培训、秘书行政等。有较强的实用性和趣味性,并与实际紧密联系。读者通过本书的学习,可了解企业管理方面的基础知识,既扩大了知识面,又可学到地道的专业英语口语及词汇,提高了英语口语的表达能力。 全书分对话、词汇与短语注释、练习及参考译文四大部分。课文的编排由浅入深、由初级逐步转入中高级;注释中附有大量例句,帮助学员理解;环绕课文内容和词汇编写的练习则有助于加深读者对课文的理解,巩固和活用所学内容;参考译文及练习答案便于学员自学。 本书亦可作为大专院校有关专业训练学习专业英语听力和口语的教材。


1 The First Day(免费使用)

1 The First Day Exercise

2 In Mr.Green's Office

2 In Mr.Green's Office Exercise

3 Arranging Office Furniture

3 Arranging Office Furniture Exercise

4 David Asks Some Questions

4 David Asks Some Questions Exercise

5 David Gets Down to Work

5 David Gets Down to Work Exercise

6 Lunch in the Canteen

6 Lunch in the Canteen Exercise

7 Advertising a New Product

7 Advertising a New Product Exercise

8 Selling and Marketing

8 Selling and Marketing Exercise

9 The Personnel Manager

9 The Personnel Manager Exercise

10 Review of the Week

10 Review of the Week Exercise

11 The Draft Brochure

11 The Draft Brochure Exercise

12 Some Aspects of Selling

12 Some Aspects of Selling Exercise

13 The Product Evaluation Meeting—One

13 The Product Evaluation Meeting—One Exercise

14 The Product Evaluation Meeting—Two

14 The Product Evaluation Meeting—Two Exercise

15 Cost-Effectiveness in Business

15 Cost-Effectiveness in Business Exercise

16 The Product Manager Is Appointed

16 The Product Manager Is Appointed Exercise

17 A Visit to the Works—One

17 A Visit to the Works—One Exercise

18 A Visit to the Works-Two

18 A Visit to the Works—Two Exercise

19 The Sales Convention—One

19 The Sales Convention—One Exercise

20 The Sales Convention—Two