


类别: 小学  >  六年级  >  同步课程



本套英语教材是根据教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》规定的小学毕业应达到二级水平的要求,由专家和一线优秀教师组成的教材编写组精心编写的。 全套教材共分八册,供六年制小学三至六年级使用。 根据小学生的年龄、心理特点和生活实践,教材的编写注重激发和培养学生学习语言的兴趣,通过形式多样的话题、丰富多彩的语境活动、活泼可爱的儿歌和歌曲演唱,加上课文中生动、幽默的卡通图画,学生在听-说、听-做、读、写、玩、演、唱过程中轻松愉快地感知英语、学习英语,达到掌握英语、运用英语的目的。更重要的是能培养他们在与人交往过程中的自信心和英语交际能力,既开发了智力,又培养了他们的综合素质,为中学英语的学习奠定良好的基础。 本套教材经教育部全国中小学教材审定委员会2002年审查通过,欢迎广大师生在使用中提出宝贵意见。


Unit 1 It's Time to Play the Violin Part A

Unit 1 It's Time to Play the Violin Part B

Unit 1 It's Time to Play the Violin Part C

Unit 2 I'm Healthy Part A

Unit 2 I'm Healthy Part B

Unit 2 I'm Healthy Part C

Unit 3 Care for the Earth Part A

Unit 3 Care for the Earth Part B

Unit 3 Care for the Earth Part C

Unit 4 Let's Go on a Picnic Part A

Unit 4 Let's Go on a Picnic Part B

Unit 4 Let's Go on a Picnic Part C

Revision 1 Units 1-4

Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part A

Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part B

Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part C

Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? Part A

Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? Part B

Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend? Part C

Unit 7 I Had a Good Time Part A

Unit 7 I Had a Good Time Part B

Unit 7 I Had a Good Time Part C

Unit 8 New Year's Party Part A

Unit 8 New Year's Party Part B

Unit 8 New Year's Party Part C

Revision 2 Units 5-8