


类别: 小学  >  四年级  >  同步课程



亲爱的小学者,不论你从哪一个年级开始学习,它都能为你打开学好英语的大门。进门以后你便可以一层层走上楼顶,检阅21世纪人类的科学成就和利用丰富的信息,那样你就可能成为新世纪杰出的学者。 为什么这套书有这么大的力量呢?因为它不是板着面孔要你学,而是引导你唱英语歌和做游戏,让你在唱游中学会说英语和识记单词,还帮助你学好英语发音。英语发音是学英语的难点,有的人学了五六年还不会拼读生词。你学完这套书以后,就能学会自己拼读生词,那时你不用问老师也可以自己学英语了。而且这套书每一册的内容都不多,但教你说的话可以变来变去,帮助你在许多场合和“老外”说英语。 但是,这套书却不要求你去死记大量的单词和硬读许多课文。在一个学期里,你只要唱好一些英语歌,读好、认熟英语26个字母,在游戏中听听说说,读读写写就能达到要求。这种做法就是古人说的“滴水穿石”。一滴一滴的屋檐水可以把石头滴穿,而一桶一桶的水泼到石头上却只能把石头冲洗干净。 这样说来,是不是有了这套书就可以不用心学习英语了呢?也不是。你必须抓住机会去听英语,说英语,尤其要唱好书中的英语歌,发准歌词的读音,平时多在别人面前唱唱哼哼。人们会夸赞说:“你真是一位小学者,既会学又博学,还会唱那么多英语歌!”


Unit one Our School Day Lesson 1 What Time Is It?

Unit one Our School Day Lesson 2 Where Are You from?

Unit one Our School Day Lesson 3 Happy Teachers' Day!

Unit one Our School Day Lesson 4 What's the Game?

Unit one Our School Day Lesson 5 I Don't Like Coffee.

Unit one Our School Day Self-assessment

Unit two Things Around Us Lesson 1 It's Windy and Cool.

Unit two Things Around Us Lesson 2 What Season Is It Now?

Unit two Things Around Us Lesson 3 What's Your Favourite Season?

Unit two Things Around Us Lesson 4 What's for Your Breakfast?

Unit two Things Around Us Lesson 5 Making a Spinner

Unit two Things Around Us Self-assessment

Unit three About Me Lesson 1 This Is Me

Unit three About Me Lesson 2 My Good Friends.

Unit three About Me Lesson 3 My Favourite Colour

Unit three About Me Lesson 4 My Favourite Toy

Unit three About Me Lesson 5 My Pet dog.

Unit three About Me Self-assessment

Unit four Our Lessons Lesson 1 Let's Do Sums.

Unit four Our Lessons Lesson 2 What's the Missing Number?

Unit four Our Lessons Lesson 3 Talking abour Animals

Unit four Our lessons Lesson 4 Talking abour Animals

Unit four Our Lessons Lesson 5 Where's the Spider?

Unit four Our Self-assessment