小学英语(四年级上) (2013年7月第1版)



类别: 小学  >  四年级  >  同步课程



小朋友们在刚开始学英语时,可千万不能跟着不标准的英语读,这样的话以后想改就很难改掉了!所以一定要选择好的英语学习软件,100e就是你们的最佳选择。 处于小学阶段的孩子,词汇量不大,几乎不会涉及语法学习,如果全英文学习起来就比较困难,久而久之,就会影响孩子的学习热情!所以我们在制作过程中给每一本书都配有中文,孩子既可以在“句子跟读”里中英文对照着来学习,也可以只学习英文,有不懂的地方切换到“显示中文”,这样就像在查字典一样,方便极了! “角色扮演”更是培养孩子学习兴趣的好方法!孩子眼里的世界是五彩缤纷的,孩子眼里的事物是生动活泼的,他们不喜欢学习死板没有生命力的东西。“角色扮演”可以让孩子发挥她的主观能动性,就像她自己在表演一样!这样她能不喜欢学习吗?同时也可以培养孩子从小开口说英语的好习惯。 可怜天下父母心!我们的软件就是您教育孩子的好帮手,让我们一起为孩子的明天添枝加叶,让我们一起来教育我们的孩子!


UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 1 Skirt and Trousers

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 2 New and Old

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 3 Coat and Scarf

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 4 Shoes and Socks

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 5 Days of the Week

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 6 Betty's Clothes

UNIT 1 The Clothes We Wear Again, Please!

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 7 Homework

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 8 TV and Phone

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 9 In the Bedroom

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 10 Brush and Wash

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 11 Toys

UNIT 2 At Home Lesson 12 John and Jack

UNIT 2 At Home Again, Please!

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 13 At School

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 14 Near and far?

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 15 In the City

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 16 Cars and Buses

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 17 I'm Lost!

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Lesson 18 Lost in the City

UNIT 3 Let's Go! Again, Please!

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 19 Let's Go Shopping!

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 20 At the shop

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 21 Cinema and Park

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 22 At the Supermarket

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 23 Shopping Online

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 24 Etta's Teddy Bear

UNIT 4 Shopping in the City Again please!