小学英语(二年级上) (2013年7月第1版)



类别: 小学  >  二年级  >  同步课程



亲爱的同学们,你们好!欢迎大家使用这套英语教材! 这是根据《英语课程标准》编写的从小学到高中的一套完整的英语教材。小学《英语》(一年级起点)共12册,供义务教育阶段一年级至六级使用。 在这里,小恐龙Danny、外国女孩儿Jenny、中国男孩儿李明和你们年龄相仿,他们的言行和故事,会让你们感到熟悉又亲切、新鲜又好玩儿。只要和他们一起大声地唱歌曲、读故事,快乐地进行各种各样的游戏和活动,你就会惊喜地发现——学英语原来“既容易又有趣”!随着对这三个小伙伴儿的了解和熟悉,你会不知不觉地喜欢上英语,你会学到一些最常用的英文日常用语,好听的英文歌曲和歌谣及好玩的英文游戏,为将来学好英语打下基础。 在英语学习中,我们要多听、敢说、善模仿,做到积极参与,大胆练习,主动请教,遇到困难不害怕,出现错误不害羞。这样,你一定会喜欢学英语,并且一定能学好!


UNIT 1 Welcome to School! Lesson 1 My School

UNIT 1 Welcome to school! Lesson 2 This is My Friend

UNIT 1 Welcome to school! Lesson 3 In the Classroom

UNIT 1 Welcome to school! Lesson 4 This Is My Schoolbag

UNIT 1 Welcome to school! Lesson 5 Where Is It?

UNIT 1 Welcome to school! Lesson 6 May I Have a Pencil?

UNIT 1 Review

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 7 This Is My Body

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 8 This Is My Face

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 9 I See with My Eyes

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 10 I Hear with My Ears

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 11 I Eat with My Mouth

UNIT 2 My Body Lesson 12 I Smell with My Nose

UNIT 2 Review

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 13 Let's Count!

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 14 Numbers 11~13

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 15 Numbers 14~16

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 16 Numbers 17~19

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 17 Number 20

UNIT 3 Fun with Numbers Lesson 18 Fun with Numbers

UNIT 3 Review

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 19 Skirt and Dress

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 20 Shirt and T-shirt

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 21 Shorts and Pants

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 22 Shoes and Socks

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 23 New and old

UNIT 4 My Clothes Lesson 24 I Like Your Dress

UNIT 4 Review