英语(初中起点)(九年级上) (2010年7月)



类别: 初中  >  九年级  >  同步课程



同学们:你们好! 欢迎大家学习《英语》(新标准)(初中起点)教材!本套教材是专门为在小学阶段没有学过英语和或在小学阶段接触过英语但未经过系统学习的初中学生设计的。 2004年2月26日,党中央颁布的《关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干建议》,要求在各种课程的教学中突出素质教育精神,体现思想道德培养。《英语》(新标准)系列教材积极响应这一指示精神,力图做到“寓素质教育于外语教材之中”,不仅让学生学到英语,更有助于良好的道德品质的培养。 本教材共包括12个学习模块(Module)和两个复习模块(Revision Module),每个模块学习一周。每一模块含4个单元(Unit)。第一、二单元介绍本模块所学的语音内容;第三、四单元为若干练习或活动,以巩固本模块所学的内容。通常在第四单元中还介绍一些西方文化知识以及歌曲等。两个复习模块供大家在期中和期末对所学内容做一定的总结性练习,同时在Workbook 部分还有配套的练习。本教材的各种练习是按任务型学习(Task-based Learning)的原则设计的。换言之,就是要大家用所学语言来“做事情”--完成一定的任务。 在学习本书的过程中,希望大家切实利用一切学习资源,采取科学有效的科学策略:课内努力学习,积极参与各种运用活动;课外广泛阅读与视听,利用一切机会学习英语。通过认真学习本教材的英语知识,积极培养学习英语的兴趣,形成相应的听、说、读、写的技能和运用能力。 我们相信,有了大家持之以恒的努力,加上老师的耐心指导,一定能在英语学习上更上一层楼!


Module 1 LEARNING METHODS UNIT 1 I listen to English programmes on the radio. (免费使用)

Module 1 LEARNING METHODS UNIT 2 You have to study hard to get good results.

Module 1 LEARNING METHODS UNIT 3 Some of the exams were very difficult.

Module 1 LEARNING METHODS UNIT 4 Have you been to many English classses already?

Module 2 EVERYDAY ENGLISH UNIT 1 Give me five.

Module 2 EVERYDAY ENGLISH UNIT 2 Have a nice day.

Module 2 EVERYDAY ENGLISH UNIT 3What's up, Andy?

Module 2 EVERYDAY ENGLISH UNIT 4 That's cool.

Module 3 A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS UNIT 1 This book is interesting.

Module 3 A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS UNIT 2 He gave his wife some gold.

Module 3 A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS UNIT 3 Baghdad became rich.

Module 3 A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS UNIT 4 Think about your story.

Module 4 ENGLISH: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE UNIT 1 When I left China, I spoke English poorly.

Module 4 ENGLISH: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE UNIT 2 When people are in meetings, they often use English.

Module 4 ENGLISH: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE UNIT 3 We asked two hundred people when they use English.

Module 4 ENGLISH: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE UNIT 4 When you are learning English, you must have a dictionary.

Module 5 MY HOME TOWN UNIT 1 If I remember, I'll bring you a souvenir.

Module 5 MY HOME TOWN UNIT 2 If you come in soring, you will have a great time.

Module 5 MY HOME TOWN UNIT 3 If the weather is fine, we'll go for a swim.

Module 5 MY HOME TOWN UNIT 4 Many people like Thailand because of the beaches.

Module 6 TV PROGRAMMES UNIT 1 It was so boring that I fell asleep.

Module 6 TV PROGRAMMES UNIT 2 Though she has a lot of homework, she watches cartoons every day.

Module 6 TV PROGRAMMES UNIT 3 It was so good that i am going to watch it again tonight.

Module 6 TV PROGRAMMES UNIT 4 Although it's funny, it's also sad.

Module 7 TRAVELLING TO HONG KONG UNIT 1 The woman who is wearing glasses works here.

Module 7 TRAVELLING TO HONG KONG UNIT 2 The place at the top of the mountain is called the Peak.

Module 7 TRAVELLING TO HONG KONG UNIT 3 The bus that comes here doesn't go to the Park Hotel.

Module 7 TRAVELLING TO HONG KONG UNIT 4 The four people who were at the beach were really quiet.

Revision (I) Unit 1

Revision (I) Unit 2

Revision (I) Unit 3

Revision (I) Unit 4

Module 8 IN A MUSEUM UNIT 1 I'm really excited to be here.

Module 8 IN A MUSEUM UNIT 2 He told us to draw two dots on a piece of paper.

Module 8 IN A MUSEUM UNIT 3 It was hard to make an airplane.

Module 8 IN A MUSEUM UNIT 4 Our teacher asked us to stay together.

Module 9 THE YOUNGEST BOY TO GO TO COLLEGE UNIT 1 I don't know where to get pictures of Lincoln.

Module 9 THE YOUNGEST BOY TO GO TO COLLEGE UNIT 2 He studied to become a lawyer.

Module 9 THE YOUNGEST BOY TO GO TO COLLEGE UNIT 3 His mother takes him home to have lunch.

Module 9 THE YOUNGEST BOY TO GO TO COLLEGE UNIT 4 He started to become famous for his speeches.

Module 10 ASKING THE LIBRARIAN TO HELP UNIT 1 Can you tell me where to find information on Lu Xun?

Module 10 ASKING THE LIBRARIAN TO HELP UNIT 2 He told her to find out about Lu Xun's life.

Module 10 ASKING THE LIBRARIAN TO HELP UNIT 3 My teacher asked me to put one of Lu Xun's stories in the magazine.

Module 10 ASKING THE LIBRARIAN TO HELP UNIT 4 People stood in line for hours to buy each book.

Module 11 MOBILE PHONES UNIT 1 Mobile phones are used all over the world now.

Module 11 MOBILE PHONES UNIT 2 Mobile phones are mostly used to keep in touch with other people.

Module 11 MOBILE PHONES UNIT 3 I'll text you later.

Module 11 MOBILE PHONES UNIT 4 People are not allowed to use their mobile phones while driving.

Module 12 WONDERS OF THE WORLD UNIT 1 The Great Pyramid was built in 2560 BC.

Module 12 WONDERS OF THE WORLD UNIT 2 The king was born in 604 BC.

Module 12 WONDERS OF THE WORLD UNIT 3 It was decorated with many statues.

Module 12 WONDERS OF THE WORLD UNIT 4 It was built over 2,000 years ago.







Revision (II) Unit 1

Revision (II) Unit 2

Revision (II) Unit 3

Revision (II) Unit 4