


类别: 初中  >  九年级  >  教辅



为了使学生和教师手中有一套较为实用和可靠的教辅资料,帮助学生顺利完成从掌握知识到形成能力的转化,我们组织长期从事教研和在教学第一线的骨干教师精心编写了此书。本书编写的基本原则是:传授知识,教给方法,循序渐进,学练结合,科学实用。力求体现课程标准与教材的全新教育理念,立足于落实双基、培养能力、提高学生的素质,突出对创新意识及实践精神的培养。努力做到低起点、广辐射,使学生凭借此书自己即可完成对课本知识的梳理、理解、归类、迁移、运用、提高这一学习过程,培养学生的自主学习能力,真正减轻学生负担。 本书依据教材单元体系编写,配合单元教学使用。每单元设有以下四个栏目:知识梳理、重点难点、单元达标和能力测试。 知识梳理:对本单元的知识点进行梳理,将知识要点展现在学生的面前,使课本由厚变薄,引导学生从整体上掌握本单元的基础知识要点,便于学生建立学科知识体系。 重点难点:指出本单元的重点难点,并作较为详尽的分析,引导学生加强对本单元重点难点知识的认识、理解与掌握。 单元达标:针对本单元知识要点精选习题,随教学进行同步训练,达到单元过关的目的。 能力测试:在单元达标的基础上,通过较多的练习巩固、加深、活用本单元知识、训练提高学生的语言应用能力。 本书内容充实,编排科学,力求给广大教师、学生提供有效、有益的参考。


Unit 1 What would you do? 单元达标 (免费使用)

Unit 1 What would you do? 能力测试

Unit 2 It must belong to Carla. 单元达标

Unit 2 It must belong to Carla. 能力测试

Unit 3 We are going to save the manatees. 单元达标

Unit 3 We are going to save the manatees. 能力测试

Unit 4 When was it in vented? 单元达标

Unit 4 When was it in vented? 能力测试

Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 单元达标

Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 能力测试

Unit 6 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 单元达标

Unit 6 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 能力测试

Unit 7 You're supposed to shake hands. 单元达标

Unit 7 You're supposed to shake hands. 能力测试

Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense. 单元达标

Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense. 能力测试

Unit 9 The world's highest mountain is 8844 meters high. 单元达标

Unit 9 The world's highest mountain is 8844 meters high. 能力测试

Unit 10 It's important to have a healthy lifestyle. 单元达标

Unit 10 It's important to have a healthy lifestyle. 能力测试

Unit 11 I've broken my arm. 单元达标

Unit 11 I've broken my arm. 能力测试

Unit 12 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6. 单元达标

Unit 12 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6. 能力测试