新世纪小学英语第7册 (四年级上) (2009年9月)



类别: 小学  >  四年级  >  同步课程



本册教材根据上海中小学教程教材改革委员会制定的课程方案和《上海市中小学英语课程标准》(征求意见稿)编写,供九年义务教育四年级(第一学期)试验用。 本教材由上海外国语大学主持编写,经上海市中小学教材审查委员会审查准予试验用。


Unit 1 Teacher's Day(免费使用)

Story 1 Mother's Day

Unit 2 Hangman--A Spelling Game

Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Picnic

Project 1 Making a Shopping List

Unit 4 That Clock Doesn't Work

Unit 5 When Is Your Birthday?

Project 2 Doing a Survey

Unit 6 Norman's Toys

Project 3 Making a Paper Jet

Unit 7 A Pretty Girl

Unit 8 Give Me the Corn

Project 4 Making a Fruit Salad

Unit 9 The Tiger and Other Animals

Story 2 The Lion and the Small Mouse

Unit 10 In the Fruit Shop

Unit 11 Let's Go to a Movie

Story 3 Does Dennis Like TV?

Unit 12 Beautiful Butterflies

Project 5 Making a Butterfly Kite