初中英语(八年级上) (2009年5月)



类别: 初中  >  八年级  >  同步课程



欢迎使用北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材。本套教材是按照国家《英语课程标准(试验稿)》编写的全新英语教材。这套教材的最大特点是倡导以学生为主的教学思想,突出学生英语运用能力的培养。同学们会发现教材中的活动形式多样,有全班集体活动、小组活动、两人一组活动、个人活动等。在课堂上,你们要听,要说,要读,要写。作为教材编写者,我们建议同学们在使用这本教材时,尝试以下学习窍门: 不要紧张,不要担心,要身心轻松地学习。 翻开课本看一看,了解一下各单元、各课之间的关系。 积极参加各种学习活动,尽量自己猜测生词的意思。 不要怕出错。记住,在学习英语的过程中不出错是不可能的。 利用书中的插图帮助你理解课文。 课堂上尽量说英语,这样你的英语就会说得越来越流利。 遇到生词时,先自己小声读一读。 回顾上一节课学习的内容,为下一次上课做准备。 每天学习一点儿英语,即使当天没有英语课也要学。 课外要多听、多说英语。 有不明白的地方问教师。 记住,你一定能学好英语。祝你成功!


UNIT 1 Free Time Lesson 1 I like playing the guitar.(免费使用)

UNIT 1 Free Time Lesson 2 How was your summer vacation?

UNIT 1 Free Time Lesson 3 Did you surf the Internet yesterday?

UNIT 1 Free Time Lesson 4 We are doing something fun this weekend.

UNIT 1 Free Time Expansion 1

UNIT 1 Free Time Roundup 1

UNIT 2 Making Plans Lesson 5 What are you doing tomorrow?

UNIT 2 Making Plans Lesson 6 I'm going to be a doctor.

UNIT 2 Making Plans Lesson 7 Where are you going to eat?

UNIT 2 Making Plans Lesson 8 I'm going to read more books.

UNIT 2 Making Plans Expansion 2

UNIT 2 Making Plans Roundup 2

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Lesson 9 What is the capital of Egypt?

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Lesson 10 The Nile is longer than the Mississippi.

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Lesson 11 London is more traditional than Los Angeles.

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Lesson 12 There isn't anything there.

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Expansion 3

UNIT 3 Countries and Cities Roundup 3

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Lesson 13 He could play the violin when he was six.

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Lesson 14 He was playing cards.

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Lesson 15 He was driving along when suddenly...

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Lesson 16 They acted bravely.

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Expansion 4

UNIT 4 Fact and Story Roundup 4

UNIT 5 Relationships Lesson 17 They're too strict!

UNIT 5 Relationships Lesson 18 You're not generous at all!

UNIT 5 Relationships Lesson 19 Pets are good listeners.

UNIT 5 Relationships Lesson 20 They are complete opposites.

UNIT 5 Relationships Expansion 5

UNIT 5 Relationships Roundup 5

UNIT 6 Celebrations Lesson 21 People decorate their homes.

UNIT 6 Celebrations Lesson 22 They are preparing for New Year.

UNIT 6 Celebrations Lesson 23 People smiled happily.

UNIT 6 Celebrations Lesson 24 We'll throw a surprise party for Dad.

UNIT 6 Celebrations Expansion 6

UNIT 6 Celebrations Roundup 6