


类别: 初中  >  八年级  >  同步课程



为了加速初中英语教学进程,适应不同地区英语教学的需要,我们组织国内资深的英语教学专家,在河北教育出版社和DC加拿大国际交流中心合编的《学英语》教材的基础上,改编成这套初中起始版《初中英语》教材,供初中一年级至初中三年级使用。本套教材包括《教科书》、《活动手册/读物》、《教师用书》、录音带等。 这套教材充分吸收了国际上新的英语教学理念和实践经验,注重对学生综合语言能力的培养和训练,强调以学生为主体的有意义的语言实践活动,为教学营造了轻松愉快、积极向上的学习氛围。教材还在教学中安排了大量生动有趣的活动内容,使英语学习变得“既容易又有趣”。 这套教材以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最基本、最常用的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步展开教学内容和实践活动,符合中学生的年龄、心理特征和学习语言的规律。 这套教材的《教科书》语言信息含量大,涉及话题广泛,内容鲜活,富有时代感,既贴近学生生活,又展现中西方国家的不同文化背景;《活动手册/读物》设计了丰富多彩的练习形式,其所附读物编选内容多取自现代生活,文化背景知识丰富,为广大中学生所喜闻乐见;《教师用书》则为教学提供了详实具体的教学建议。 这套教材强调以任务为中心的(Task-based)语言学习,采用完成课题式的教学方法(Project approach),把探究性学习引入外语学习中,使学生主动融入创造性的、有意义的整体语言学习中。教材在培养学生语言能力的同时,注重学科知识交叉,适当引入了其他学科的内容。


UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 1: What's the Weather Like?(免费使用)

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 2: It's Getting Warmer!

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 3: Postcards!

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 4: Sun Is Rising

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 5: Fun in the Sun

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 6: Danny the Babysitter

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 7: Danny's 'Debbie' Day

UNIT 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 8: Unit Review

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 9: How Does a Plant Grow?

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 10: Plant Parts

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 11: Look after Your Plant!

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 12: Pretty Little Plant

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 13: Why Are Plants Important?

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 14: People and Plants

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 15: Danny Grows Grain!

UNIT 2 Plant a Plant! Lesson 16: Unit Review

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 17: People Love Pets!

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 18: Brandy Hates Cats!

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 19: The Zoo Is Open!

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 20: Stand So Still

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 21: Fun at the Zoo

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 22: April Fools'

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 23: Famous Zoos

UNIT 3 Amazing Animals Lesson 24: Unit Review

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 25: Let's Do an Experiment!

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 26: One Wet Danny?

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 27: Danny the 'Dry-o-saur'!

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 28: Fill My Plate

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 29: An Easter Egg Hunt

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 30: Keep the Candle Burning!

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 31: Surprise Your Friends!

UNIT 4 Look into Science! Lesson 32: Unit Review

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 33: How Can You Go?

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 34: Trains Go on Rails!

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 35: Future Transportation

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 36: Let's Take a Drive

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 37: Flying Donuts

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 38: Let's Invent Hoverboards!

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 39: Clean Cars?

UNIT 5 Go With Transportation Lesson 40: Unit Review

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 41: WWW. go!

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 42: It Only Takes a Moment!

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 43: Books or Computers?

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 44: Everybody! Hear This!

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 45: Wang Mei's First E-mail

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 46: Mothers and Fathers Are Special

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 47: I'm Connected!

UNIT 6 Connect Lesson 48: Unit Review

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 49: Let's Learn Geography!

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 50: The World Is a Big Place!

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 51: Asia

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 52: East We Go

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 53: Ringing Up Li Ming

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 54: Europe

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 55: Report on the Report!

UNIT 7 Know Our World Coming! Lesson 56: Unit Review

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 57: Let's Clean Up!

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 58: Stop Pollution!

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 59: Let's Look at Garbage!

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 60: Fix and Mend

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 61: What Was in the Bags?

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 62: Take Short Showers!

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 63: Garbage Is Interesting!

UNIT 8 Save Our World Lesson 64: Unit Review