初中英语-第12册 (七年级下) (2009年1月)



类别: 初中  >  七年级  >  同步课程



亲爱的同学们: 欢迎你们使用北京版英语课程改革实验教材! 同学们,从小学升入初中,你们肯定有很多的期待和愿望,期待在英语学习中更加独立和自主,发现适合自己的学习方法;期待掌握更多的知识,以开阔自己的视野。我们编写的这套《北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材 英语》无疑是大家实现这些美好期待和愿望的一个重要保证。 新课标将英语教学作为素质教育的重要组成部分,强调语言综合运用能力的培养,并把这种能力看作是“语言技能”、“语言知识”、“学习策略”、“情感态度”和“文化意识”等综合素质的体现。为了使每个同学在使用过程中都受益,我们精心设计了主副课文和层次分明、形式多样的练习;为了适合中学生的认知特点,我们将话题、功能和任务设计有机结合,贯穿整个学习过程;为了突出文化素养,每个单元围绕一个话题,从不同的文化角度进行了探讨;为了适合中学生的心理特点,我们选材真实地道,经典与时效并存,人文性和趣味性兼顾,每个单元的“轻松时刻”有漫画,有韵文,寓教于乐,妙趣横生。 同学们可以翻开你们的英语书看一看,每个单元由四部分组成,每个部分正好就是一堂课的内容。在本册教材中的一般现在时,同学们在小学就接触过了,不过在要求上不再只是“听、说、唱、游、做”,而是听说领先、读写跟上,使大家通过学习逐渐掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读写技能,同时形成一定的综合运用语言的能力。 愿同学们像茁壮成长的小树苗,智慧、能力与身量齐增长!


Unit 1 My Friends Part Ⅰ(免费使用)

Unit 1 My Friends Part Ⅱ

Unit 1 My Friends Part Ⅲ

Unit 1 My Friends Part Ⅳ

Unit 2 How Do You Come to School Part Ⅰ

Unit 2 How Do You Come to School Part Ⅱ

Unit 2 How Do You Come to School Part Ⅲ

Unit 2 How Do You Come to School Part Ⅳ

Unit 3 They Are Looking for Gogo Part Ⅰ

Unit 3 They Are Looking for Gogo Part Ⅱ

Unit 3 They Are Looking for Gogo Part Ⅲ

Unit 3 They Are Looking for Gogo Part Ⅳ

Unit 4 A Sunday Visit Part Ⅰ

Unit 4 A Sunday Visit Part Ⅱ

Unit 4 A Sunday Visit Part Ⅲ

Unit 4 A Sunday Visit Part Ⅳ

Unit 5 What's the Weather like? Part Ⅰ

Unit 5 What's the Weather like? Part Ⅱ

Unit 5 What's the Weather like? Part Ⅲ

Unit 5 What's the Weather like? Part Ⅳ

Unit 6 Let's Have a Picnic Part Ⅰ

Unit 6 Let's Have a Picnic Part Ⅱ

Unit 6 Let's Have a Picnic Part Ⅲ

Unit 6 Let's Have a Picnic Part Ⅳ

Unit 7 Revision One Part Ⅰ

Unit 7 Revision One Part Ⅱ

Unit 7 Revision One Part Ⅲ

Unit 8 How Much Is That Altogether? Part Ⅰ

Unit 8 How Much Is That Altogether? Part Ⅱ

Unit 8 How Much Is That Altogether? Part Ⅲ

Unit 8 How Much Is That Altogether? Part Ⅳ

Unit 9 My Fancy Room Part Ⅰ

Unit 9 My Fancy Room Part Ⅱ

Unit 9 My Fancy Room Part Ⅲ

Unit 9 My Fancy Room Part Ⅳ

Unit 10 On a Flight Part Ⅰ

Unit 10 On a Flight Part Ⅱ

Unit 10 On a Flight Part Ⅲ

Unit 10 On a Flight Part Ⅳ

Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part Ⅰ

Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part Ⅱ

Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part Ⅲ

Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part Ⅳ

Unit 12 My Childhood in the Countryside Part Ⅰ

Unit 12 My Childhood in the Countryside Part Ⅱ

Unit 12 My Childhood in the Countryside Part Ⅲ

Unit 12 My Childhood in the Countryside Part Ⅳ

Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back Part Ⅰ

Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back Part Ⅱ

Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back Part Ⅲ

Unit 13 The Dead Rabbit Came Back Part Ⅳ

Unit 14 Revision Two Part Ⅰ

Unit 14 Revision Two Part Ⅱ

Unit 14 Revision Two Part Ⅲ