初中英语(七年级下) (2009年1月)



类别: 初中  >  七年级  >  同步课程



欢迎使用北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材。本套教材是按照国家《英语课程标准(试验稿)》编写的全新英语教材。这套教材的最大特点是倡导以学生为主的教学思想,突出学生英语运用能力的培养。同学们会发现教材中的活动形式多样,有全班集体活动、小组活动、两人一组活动、个人活动等。在课堂上,你们要听,要说,要读,要写。作为教材编写者,我们建议同学们在使用这本教材时,尝试以下学习窍门: 不要紧张,不要担心,要身心轻松地学习。 翻开课本看一看,了解一下各单元、各课之间的关系。 积极参加各种学习活动,尽量自己猜测生词的意思。 不要怕出错。记住,在学习英语的过程中不出错是不可能的。 利用书中的插图帮助你理解课文。 课堂上尽量说英语,这样你的英语就会说得越来越流利。 遇到生词时,先自己小声读一读。 回顾上一节课学习的内容,为下一次上课做准备。 每天学习一点儿英语,即使当天没有英语课也要学。 课外要多听、多说英语。 有不明白的地方问教师。 记住,你一定能学好英语。祝你成功!


UNIT 7 Routines Lesson 25 He gets up at 7 o'clock.(免费使用)

UNIT 7 Routines Lesson 26 He always goes to work early.

UNIT 7 Routines Lesson 27 She has English on Fridays.

UNIT 7 Routines Lesson 28 When is your birthday?

UNIT 7 Routines Expansion 7 and Roundup 7

UNIT 8 Seasons and clothes Lesson 29 What's the weather like?

UNIT 8 Seasons and clothes Lesson 30 In Melbourne, it's winter in August!

UNIT 8 Seasons and clothes Lesson 31 You aren't missing much!

UNIT 8 Seasons and clothes Lesson 32 What is she wearing?

UNIT 8 Seasons and clothes Expansion 8 and Roundup 8

UNIT 9 People Lesson 33 What does he look like?

UNIT 9 People Lesson 34 What's he like?

UNIT 9 People Lesson 35 My friend is great.

UNIT 9 People Lesson 36 I have a headache.

UNIT 9 People Expansion 9 and Roundup 9

UNIT 10 In the Past Lesson 37 Where were you yesterday?

UNIT 10 In the Past Lesson 38 Were they your favorite group?

UNIT 10 In the Past Lesson 39 There was a time capsule.

UNIT 10 In the Past Lesson 40 There weren't any traffic problems.

UNIT 10 In the Past Expansion 10 and Roundup 10

UNIT 11 Vacations Lesson 41 They traveled across the USA.

UNIT 11 Vacations Lesson 42 They went to Rome.

UNIT 11 Vacations Lesson 43 Did you have a good time?

UNIT 11 Vacations Lesson 44 Where did he go?

UNIT 11 Vacations Expansion 11 & Roundup 11

UNIT 12 China Lesson 45 China's flag has five stars.

UNIT 12 China Lesson 46 It was a palace.

UNIT 12 China Lesson 47 We visited the Great Wall.

UNIT 12 China Lesson 48 Did you visit the museum?

UNIT 12 China Expansion 12 and Roundup 12