英语随堂优化一课多练 (六年级上)



类别: 小学  >  六年级  >  教辅



本套书《随堂优化一课多练》是与广州版小学英语教材《Success With English》配套的教学辅导用书。全套共12册,每学期一册,供小学一年级口语为起点的学生使用。本系列用书以国家《新课程标准》为指导思想,围绕五大目标,提供大量、丰富的材料。从三年级开始,对学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,以及英语的综合运用能力进行了全面的训练和测试。每个版块都有单元的有用的词组、重点与难点、疑难分析讲解,并每个单元配有同步练习和版块目标测试,所有的题目均有参考答案和听力材料,整套书系列不仅让教师在教学过程中抓住重、难点对学生进行针对性的训练,而且学生在使用的过程中学会学习,提高自学能力。


Module 1 Plans Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday? (免费使用)

Module 1 Plans Unit 2 What Shall We Do?

Unit 3 Let's Go Further

Module 1 目标测试

Module 2 Cities Unit 4 I Know This City

Module 2 Cities Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go ON Holiday?

Module 2 Cities Unit 6 Let's Go Further

Module 2 目标测试

Module 3 An Invitation Unit 7 Ben Wants to Play Football

Module 3 An Invitation Unit 8 Janet Is Going to Have a Party

Module 3 An Invitation Unit 9 Let's Go Further

Module 3 目标测试


Module 4 On the Telephone Unit 10 May I Speak to Miss White?

Module 4 On the Telephone Unit 11 Who's Calling?

Module 4 On the Telephone Unit 12 Let's Go Further

Module 4 目标测试

Module 5 The Past Unit 13 What Did You Do Yesterday?

Module 5 The Past Unit 14 What Was Judy's Old School Like?

Unit 15 Let's Go Further

Module 5 目标测试

Module 6 Festivals Unit 16 Christmas Is Coming

Module 6 Festivals Unit 17 It's the Spring Festival Soon.

Unit 18 Let's Go Further

Module 6 目标测试

