小学英语单元进阶测试AB卷 五年级上 (开心版)



类别: 小学  >  五年级  >  教辅



本套书是根据广州市小学英语教材《PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH》编写,与开心学英语配套使用。本书与教材同步,全书侧重对学生的基本知识、基本技能、听说读写和综合运用语言能力的培养。书中的练习有一定的层次,适合不同程度的学生进行训练。通过练习本书也可提高学生的情感态度和培养学习策略。


Unit 1 Come with me! A卷(免费使用)

Unit 1 Come with me! B卷

Unit 2 Do you have any glue? A卷

Unit 2 Do you have any glue? B卷

Unit 3 What do we need? A卷

Unit 3 What do we need? B卷

Unit 4 Review 1 A卷

Unit 4 Review 1 B卷

Unit 5 It's cold in winter. A卷

Unit 5 It's cold in winter. B卷

Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating? A卷

Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating? B卷

期中综合测试卷 (Unit 1~Unit 6) A卷

期中综合测试卷 (Unit 1~Unit 6) B卷

Unit 7 When is your birthday? A卷

Unit 7 When is your birthday? B卷

Unit 8 Review 2 A卷

Unit 8 Review 2 B卷

Unit 9 It was clean but it's dirty now. A卷

Unit 9 It was clean but it's dirty now. B卷

Unit 10 I planted trees. A卷

Unit 10 I planted trees. B卷

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo? A卷

Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo? B卷

Unit 12 Review 3 A卷

Unit 12 Review 3 B卷

期末综合测试卷 (Unit 1~Unit 12) A卷

期末综合测试卷 (Unit 1~Unit 12) B卷