


类别: 小学  >  五年级  >  同步课程



《新版小学英语》(New Primary English for China)是课程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心与新加坡SNP泛太平洋出版有限公司在原教材《小学英语》(Primary English for China)的基础上,为广大的同学们重新编写的一套小学英语教材。 中外设计和编写人员在改编原教材的过程中,以“继承----创新”为宗旨,吸收了近10年教材试验的经验,分析和研究了国内外多种小学英语教材,并在此基础上努力探求一种有利于同学们成长的语言教学途径,以适应当前同学们学习英语的实际需求。 《新版小学英语》在原教材“激发学生学习兴趣,培养语言运用能力;提供多种资源”等特点的基础上,在以下几个方面进行了新的尝试:1. 注重行动学习。教材中设计了大量的TPR活动、表演、游戏、歌曲、小诗、歌谣等行动方式,让同学们在学习过程中,不仅能够发展自己的语言能力,而且能够发展健全的身心;同学们在课堂上通过实际行动来接受语言,体验语言,习得语言,并发展多元智能。2. 强调合作学习。本套教材充分考虑合作学习的重要作用,力图把结对活动、小组活动以及全班活动有机地融入同学们语言学习过程之中,在保证每个同学都有机会参与学习的同时,培养伙伴合作的意识和策略,提高同学们的人际互动能力。3. 鼓励项目制作。本套教材专门设置项目制作栏目引导大家动手动脑,体验解决实际问题的过程,获得解决实际问题的感受,探寻完成实际任务的方法。同学们在项目制作的过程中将增强创新意识,发展操作技能。4. 重视表现评价。本套教材十分重视小学阶段的学习评价,力图打破以往片面强调测试评价和终结评价的传统定势。教材设计者把评价活动合理地编入在单元结构之中,引导大家关注自己和伙伴在具体学习活动中的实际表现,记录这些实际表现,分析这些表现,不断培养反思能力。5. 实施整体设计。本套教材以《新版小学英语》(New Primary English for China)、《新版初中英语》(New Junior English for China)和《新版高中英语》(New Senior English for China)为一条龙的整体设计,努力实现各学段教学目标和教学内容的自然衔接和平稳过渡,以确保中小学英语学习的整体质量。 我们希望《新版小学英语》能够以先进的教学理念、综合的育人目标、整体的课程设计、有效的教学方法、科学的编排体系和立体化的配套材料奉献给全国广大的同学们。


Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 1(免费使用)

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 2

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 3

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 4

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 5

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Lesson 6

Unit 1 Do you like young animals? Revision

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 7

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 8

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 9

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 10

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 11

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 12

Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Revision

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 13

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 14

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 15

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 16

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 17

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 18

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Revision

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 19

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 20

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 21

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 22

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 23

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Lesson 24

Unit 4 Is there a library in your class? Revision

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 25

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 26

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 27

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 28

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 29

Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 30

Unit 5 How much is it? Revision

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 31

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 32

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 33

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 34

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 35

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Lesson 36

Unit 6 What's wrong with you? Revision

Songs (1)

Songs (2)

Songs (3)

Songs (4)