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Adding up crop losses from Midwest floods(免费使用)

Using personal computers to solve humanitarian problems

Safety checklist aims to reduce mistakes in surgery

Debating eighth-grade graduations

Bill Gates steps aside at Microsoft

Architecture for humanity helps poor communities

Reports of gains bring attention to rice-growing method

Hand washing by birth attendants, mothers saves lives

'Summer Work or Travel' brings many students to US

It will not wash: Does it work, or not?

Chicago goes green in its alleys

Credit Cards Are Easy to Get, But Harder to Pay Off

Pope Says World Must Intervene If Nations Do Not Protect Human Rights

Among vitamins, D seems short for 'does a lot'

Supreme Court Rules American Citizens Have Right to Own Guns

Learning business skills through junior achievement

Probable sale of US Sugar pleases activists for Everglade

Dr. Michael DeBakey's long and productive life

Dealing With Dyslexia

Schools look to save money with four-day week

Nothing but nets campaign aims to fight malaria in Africa

Building a windbreak to protect crops

How the heart works