


类别: 初中  >  九年级  >  兴趣课程



演讲在我们的生活中无处不在,它贯穿在商务、政治、科研等社会活动中。本书精心挑选了数十篇名家演说词,这些演说词大都逻辑严密,用词考究,语言优美,令人热血沸腾或为之动情;有些即兴演讲也丝毫不逊色,以其机智、生动、幽默而感染听众。 本书主要有以下几个方面的特点: 1、内容丰富,结构严谨。本书提供了题材丰富的内容,并且做到用语规范、结构严谨。精选的演说词涉及政治外交、历史军事、经济科技等多个领域。 2、技巧点拨,详细实用。本书不仅提供丰富的演讲材料,还在每篇演说原文后提供了颇具价值的技巧点拨,帮助读者更快地掌握必备的演讲技巧。 3、名师把关,质量突出。本书由名校名师担任主编,外籍专家担任主审,并由国内名校的英语教师担任编委,整个制作流程科学规范,内容严谨,把关严格。 4、特色录音,听读结合。本书的演讲均配原声剪辑或英美专家录音,现场感强,让您在充分享受英语演讲的魅力的同时提高演讲的表达能力。 每篇演讲设置以下栏目: 1、精彩演讲:本书精选的演说大多与时代热点结合,覆盖面广,读者可以在欣赏文章的同时拓展知识面和扩大词汇量,从而提升自己的口语表达能力。 2、词汇注释:对文章出现的重点词汇都给出了详细的注释,有助于读者迅速扩大词汇量。 3、常用词句:指出演讲中出现的实用的短语、句子,力求帮助读者学以致用,把这些有用的表达运用到自己的演讲或写作中。 4、难点分析:对演讲中的难句从语法等角度作出详尽的解释,帮助读者理解演讲中出现的长难句。 5、名师点评:由名师执笔,包括演讲者简介、演讲背景及相关的演讲技巧等。建议读者结合演讲仔细研读。 本书适合读者: 1、有志于提高英语演讲水平的学习者; 2、准备参加英语口语考试或演讲比赛的学习者; 3、英语培训班中级水平学习者; 4、英语能力出色的中学生; 5、涉外工作人员; 6、各专业大学生。


On the Crown(免费使用)


President Bush, President Fox Meet With Reports in Mexico

Speech by Prince of Wales at Hong Kong's Handover Ceremony 1997

The Former US President Bill Clinton's Speech in Hong Kong

2004 Republican National Convention Addressed by Laura Bush

Speech at the Great Hall of the People, China: The Future is Ours to Build

At the Signature Ceremony of the Joint Declaration on the Future of HK:The Circumstances are Unique, the Agreement is Unique

Song Meiling's Speech to the US Congress

New York Senate Race Speech by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Peace in the Atomic Age

The Declaration of War Against Japan by President Roosevelt

United Nations Secretary-General Presents His Report:In Larger Freedom—Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All

Address to the 34th General Assembly of the United Nations:I Hope That the United Nations Will Ever Remain the Supreme Forum of Peace and

CES 2007: Dell Launches Green Initiative

Bill Gates: Unleashing Your Creativity

Remarks at the U. S. Chamber of Commerce: New Partnerships, Real Potential

The Marshall Plan

Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's Speech at the WTO Ministerial Conference 2005 in Hong Kong, China

Remarks by Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to the APEC CEO Summit

Just a Little Straight Talk Among Friends

John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address

First Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan: Putting America Back to Work

The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself

The Second Inaugural Address of Bill Clinton:The Journey of Our American Must Go on

Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs

Wellesley College Commencement Address

President Bush Speaks at Air Force Academy Graduation

President Bush Delivers Commencement Address at St. Vincent College

Speech at Harvard by Bill Gates

John F. Kennedy: American University Commencement Address

Commencement Address of Harvard University

Commencement Address of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University

Ernest Hemingway's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

Nobel Prize Speech of William Faulkner

Speech Speech by Yang Lan Bidding for Beijing Olympics 2008

London's Presentation to Host the 2012 Olympic Games

Speech for the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games

Speech by Tony Blair on the 80th Birthday of Queen ElizabethⅡ

Bush's Christmas Address

The Queen's Christmas Message to the Commonwealth

Farewell Address of Dwight D. Eisenhower

Clinton's Farewell Speech

Farewell Address to Congress

The Interest of the Nation Must Always Come Before Any Personal Considerations

The Game Itself is a Lot Bigger than Michael Jordan