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美国之音内容包括世界新闻、艺术、文化、商业、健康、医疗、科学技术等,特别适合您的学习,因为不管您想学习什么都能在这里找到。 美国之音分为两种:慢速英语和快速英语;慢速英语适合大专院校英语专业及非英语专业的学生、应试CET-4、CET-6、TEM-4的英语学习者、新闻工作者、涉外人员和外企职员、准备赴美留学、访问、探亲的出国人员、托福、雅思等各种英语培训班、欲进行听力自学的英语学习者等,如果英语水平再高一点,慢速英语已经学透了,您就可以选择“快速英语”了。 快点行动吧,这里是您聆听、学习“美国之音”的最佳场所。


To touch all bases: baseball rules!(免费使用)

Damage control on the farm

Behind the price of rice

Applicants ask colleges: Why should I accept you? A place for teachers to share materials

How to do 'hands-only CPR'

Why oil continues its climb

The act of losing credit: plagiarism

Honey bee losses still a problem in US

Insect expressions: I don't mean to bug you

Need your appendix out? Let me reach down your throat

Study raises questions about reading program in US

For fans of anarchy, Grand Theft Auto IV is a big smash

Feeding the hungry, but not with pigeons

Cork: More than just a bottle stopper

WHO chief says world faces three growing threats

Recruiters help US colleges find foreign students

Joseph Juran: A life of quality control

California ruling opens new front in fight over same-sex marriage

UN aims to raise potatoes' appeal

Brain cancer like Kennedy's is difficult to treat