小学英语同步练 三年级下册



类别: 小学  >  三年级  >  教辅



本套教辅材料具有以下鲜明的特点: 贯彻课标理念,提升学习能力。本套教辅根据新的课程标准,强调科学性、新颖性和实用性,充分体现课改精神,侧重学习方法的改进和学习能力的提升。 结合本省实际,适合学生使用。本套教辅的编写充分考虑了全省学生的实际需要,特别是照顾到城乡学生的共同需要,适合全省学生使用。 编写阵容强大,作者队伍一流。本套教辅由省教育科学研究所牵头主持。组织全省的教学科研人员,教学一线的骨干教师共同编写。 体例结构新颖,形式活泼多样。本套教辅根据新的课程标准,根据不同学科的不同特点,力争体例结构创新,形式活泼多样,适宜学生学习。


Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 1 I'm Hungry! (免费使用)

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken and Fish

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup?

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 4 Vegetables and Fruit

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 5 Breakfast, Lunch and Supper

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 6 What's for Breakfast?

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 7 What's for Lunch?

Unit 1 Food and More Numbers Lesson 8 Again, Please!

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 9 Let's Eat! Let's Drink!

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 10 In the Restaurant

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 11 Pizza and Hamburgers

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 12 Hot Dogs and Donuts

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 13 How Much?

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 14 How Much Are They?

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 15 Let's Make Soup!

Unit 2 Food and Restaurants Lesson 16 Again, Please!

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 17 Skirt and Pants

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 18 New and Old

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 19 Coat and Scarf

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 20 Shoes and Socks

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 21 Pyjamas

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 22 Days of the Week

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 23 A New Coat for Li Ming

Unit 3 Clothes We Wear Lesson 24 Again, Please!

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 25 Bedroom

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 26 Homework

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 27 TV and Telephone

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 28 In the Bedroom

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 29 Brush and Comb

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 30 Toys

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 31 Games

Unit 4 My Favourites Lesson 32 Again, Please!