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VOA(美国之音)是世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一,它的英语节目就是一套完美的英语听力素材。因此,听VOA英语广播是提高英语听力的重要途径之一。 VOA特别英语节目的语言简明、易懂、灵活、生动,其语速慢,用词浅显,句子简短明晰, 词汇量在美国人最常用的1500个单词之内,播放速度为每分钟90个单词, 适合于听者循序渐进地学习,但文中信息量并没减少。 通过VOA的听力实践,听者不仅能了解到当今世界上的一些最新热点新闻,还能熟悉美国英语的语音、语调,掌握其语言特点,培养准确连贯的英语语感,学到地道的英语语言,扩大知识面,增加词汇量,为进一步听懂VOA标准英语打下扎实的基础。 美国习惯用语这个节目专门介绍美国人常用的习惯用语,它们的出典并以富有生活情趣的实例来说明用法。本节目的内容具有浓浓的美国背景文化色彩。


第51讲:pull no punches; straight from the horse's mouth (免费使用)

第52讲:no holds barred; let one's hair down

第53讲:loose cannon; blockbuster

第54讲:bomb; drop a bombshell

第55讲:oddball; odds and ends

第56讲:peaches and cream; sour grapes

第57讲:lemon; going bananas

第58讲:shoot the breeze; through the grapevine

第59讲:a fish out of water; teach a fish how to swim

第60讲:fish or cut bait; cold fish

第61讲:feast your eyes on; hit between the eyes

第62讲:eyes pop out; not even bat an eye

第63讲:keep one's eyes peeled; have the wool over one's eye

第64讲:keep one's eye on the ball; eye-opener

第65讲:flea market; clam up

第66讲:baloney; kickback

第67讲:get a kick out of; kick the bucket

第68讲:kick up one's heels; kick off

第69讲:at the drop of a hat; talk through one's hat

第70讲:hang on to your hat; keep sth. under your hat

第71讲:eat one's hat; eat one's heart out

第72讲:nerd; jock; girl jock

第73讲:wimp; turkey

第74讲:throw one's hat in the ring; stump

第75讲:favorite son; sound bite

第76讲:blame game; negative campaigning

第77讲:swing voter; come out swinging

第78讲:don't change horses in the middle of the stream; jump on the bandwagon

第79讲:sleaze; gridlock

第80讲:lame duck; golden parachute

第81讲:on the fence; maverick

第82讲:give someone a piece of one's mind; tell someone off

第83讲:hick; city slicker

第84讲:throw to the wolves; throw the baby out with the bath water

第85讲:throw a wet blanket on sth.; throw a monkey wrench

第86讲:let the cat out of the bag; look like the cat that ate the canary

第87讲:rain or shine; rainy day

第88讲:buddy; sidekick

第89讲:put on the dog; go to the dogs

第90讲:let sleeping dogs lie; every dog has his day

第91讲:throw a curve; throw for a loop

第92讲:crocodile tears; sob story

第93讲:cry in one's beer; cry baby

第94讲:cloudy; in the clouds

第95讲:on a cloud; under a cloud

第96讲:basket case; all washed up

第97讲:smart (as intelligence; fashionable)

第98讲:put on the back burner; drag one's feet

第99讲:turn one's back on sb.; get on someone's back

第100讲:nag; get off one's back