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《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)》(Progressive Reading)是北京市研究生英语教学研究会组织北京市有关院校编写的研究生英语阅读教材,适用于高等院校文、理、工、医、农、林等各学科的全国统招非英语专业的硕士研究生、在职攻读硕士学位的研究生、参加全国同等学历人员攻读硕士学位的研究生和部分博士研究生。 《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)》(Progressive Reading)的编写指导思想是通过该教材的教学使研究生能够掌握应该掌握的各项阅读技能,并通过阅读实践运用这些技能,从而使学生真正具有熟练的英语阅读能力,为以英语为工具进行本专业的学习和研究打下坚实的基础。 《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程》分为两册。第一册为《研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)》(Progressive Reading),第二册为《研究生英语阅读教程(提高级)》(Proficient Reading)。 《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)》(Progressive Reading)分为5个单元,每单元3课,共15课。该教材以《研究生英语教学大纲》和《考试大纲》中要求研究生掌握和能够运用的各项阅读技能为主线,在每课课文前系统地讲述阅读技巧,每课设计阅读技巧介绍、A和B两篇课文、课文中的生词、注释、作者介绍以及针对阅读技巧和课文的大量练习。 《新编研究生英语系列教程/研究生英语阅读教程(基础级)》(Progressive Reading)具有以下主要特点: 1. 本教材以阅读技巧为主线。 2. 本教材强化研究生阅读技巧的训练。 3. 本教材可操作性好。 4. 本教材也适用于学生自学。 5. 本教材可读性好。本教材所选阅读材料语言纯正、规范,大部分课文选自英美等英语国家的名家名篇,而且很多都是近期发表的新作。 6. 本教材体现英语阅读的真实性。本教材所选阅读材料选自英语原文,为了让学生阅读真实的原汁原味的英语文章,生词表和注释都放在了每课的最后。 7. 本教材每课后面设计的阅读、词汇和综合填空题与研究生学位课统考题形式一致,也可以作为备考练习之用。 本书的编者均为北京市研究生英语教学研究会的组织者与参与者,他们都有多年研究生英语教学与测试经验。他们分别来自中国科学院研究生院、军事医学科学院、中国人民大学、北京科技大学、北京邮电大学、北京化工大学和首都医科大学等院校。 本教材在编写和出版过程中得到北京市研究生英语教学研究会的全力支持,特别是中国人民大学出版社的同志为本书的策划和出版做了大量的工作,在此我们一并表示衷心感谢。 由于时间仓促,编者水平有限,本教材会存在一些不足之处,敬请使用本教材的教师和读者批评指正。


Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 1 Developing Your Reading Efficiency READING SELECTION A

Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 1 Developing Your Reading Efficiency READING SELECTION B

Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 2 Developing Reading Flexibility READING SELECTION A

Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 2 Developing Reading Flexibility READING SELECTION B

Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 3 Reading Rate READING SELECTION A

Unit One Efficient Reading Lesson 3 Reading Rate READING SELECTION B 

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 4 What Is Active Reading READING SELECTION A

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 4 What Is Active Reading READING SELECTION B

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 5 Prereading READING SELECTION A

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 5 Prereading READING SELECTION B

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 6 Connections READING SELECTION A

Unit Two Active Reading Lesson 6 Connections READING SELECTION B 

Unit Three Techniques for Remembering What You Read Lesson 7 Improving Your Concentration READING SELECTION A 

Unit Three Techniques for Remembering What You Read Lesson 7 Improving Your Concentration READING SELECTION B 

Unit Three Techniques for Remebering What You Read Lesson 8 Increasing Your Attention Span READING SELECTION A

Unit Three Techniques for Remebering What You Read Lesson 8 Increasing Your Attention Span READING SELECTION B 

Unit Three Techniques for Remebering What You Read Lesson 9 Remebering What You Read READING SELECTION A

Unit Three Techniques for Remebering What You Read Lesson 9 Remembering What You Read READING SELECTION B

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 10 Skimming: Reading for Main IdeasREADING SELECTION A 

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 10 Skimming: Reading for Main Ideas READING SELECTION B 

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 11 Scanning: Rapidly Locating Information READING SELECTION A

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 11 Scanning: Rapidly Locating Information READING SELECTION B 

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 12 Tecniques for reading faster READING SELECTION A 

Unit Four Techniques for Efficient Reading Lesson 12 Tecniques for reading faster READING SELECTION B

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 13 Expanding your Vocabulary READING SELECTION A

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 13 Expanding your Vocabulary READING SELECTION B

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 14 Expanding Your Vocabulary (2) READING SELECTION A 

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 14 Expanding Your Vocabulary (2) READING SELECTION B

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 15 Aids to Vocabulary Development READING SELECTION A

Unit Five Developing Your Word Power Lesson 15 Aids to Vocabulary Development READING SELECTION B