voa_words and their stories (2)



类别: 成人  >  成人  >  新闻英语



VOA(美国之音)是世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一,它的英语节目就是一套完美的英语听力素材。因此,听VOA英语广播是提高英语听力的重要途径之一。 VOA特别英语节目的语言简明、易懂、灵活、生动,其语速慢,用词浅显,句子简短明晰, 词汇量在美国人最常用的1500个单词之内,播放速度为每分钟90个单词, 适合于听者循序渐进地学习,但文中信息量并没减少。 通过VOA的听力实践,听者不仅能了解到当今世界上的一些最新热点新闻,还能熟悉美国英语的语音、语调,掌握其语言特点,培养准确连贯的英语语感,学到地道的英语语言,扩大知识面,增加词汇量,为进一步听懂VOA标准英语打下扎实的基础。 本书收录了2007年的Special English(特别节目)中的Words and Their Stories(词语掌故)这一专题节目。 Words and Their Stories(词语掌故)这一专题节目向听众介绍美国英语中生动有趣的词语和习惯用法,它通过讲故事的形式讲解每一个词语。听众不仅能享受到娓娓动听的词语掌故、学到地道的美国英语,还能增加对美国社会文化背景知识、历史传统与现状的了解。


Dutch: English Expressions Unrelated to Dutch People(免费使用)

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Fall Guy: He Took the Blame for Someone Else

Feel The Pinch: The Pains of Economic Trouble

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Get Your Act Together: Organization Is the Name of the Game

Great Scott: What a Surprise!

Green: More Than Just a Color

Hang: Don't Get Excited, Just Hang Loose

Heard It on the Grapevine: What? Who Told You That?

Heart to Heart: Let's Get to the Heart of the Matter

Hit: If a Student's Grades Hit Bottom, It Is Time to Hit the Books

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In the Red: Better to Be in the Black

It Will Not Wash: Does It Work, or Not?

Kick: This Is an Idea Worth Kicking Around

Let's Do Business: I Made a Sweetheart Deal Last Month

Losing It: It's Hard When You Lose Control

Medical Terms: A Clean Bill of Health From the Doctor