


类别: 小学  >  五年级  >  同步课程



各位同学,你们好!当你们拿到这套教材时,我们就成为朋友啦。 随着社会生活和经济活动日益全球化能够使用外国语,特别是能够使用国际通用的英语,融入国际大家庭,进行国际贸易和交往,已经成为世界各国公民必备的基本素养之一,也是同学们将来自主立业,开辟未来必备的一个基本技能。为此,我们作为同学们的师长和朋友,十分愿意为同学们服务,把编写出的这套教材奉献给同学们。 为了使同学们能够像小时候学习说话那样,学习英语先从听懂、学说开始,中外英语教育专家和老师设计了与你们同龄的四个小伙伴:丽丽、埃米、安迪和约翰,还有中国李老师和王老师,外国爸爸和妈妈,一些可爱的小动物。通过他们一系列有趣的故事、游戏、参观、度假、唱歌和说歌谣等活动,带领同学们跟着做,在娱乐中激发出学说英语单词和句子的兴趣,感知用英语交流、唱歌的成功喜悦,日积月累,循序渐进地学会英语这门语言。 学习英语听和说很重要,同学们开始学说英语时,就要大胆地说,用我们给教学配备的指读机,反复地练习发音、吐字,学唱教材中的英语歌曲,学说英语歌谣,就会学到地道的英语。 最后,借用一句流行语:你们快乐,我们快乐。 愿我们的这套英语教材伴同学们成长成才。


Unit 1 I like my new school Lesson 1 (免费使用)

Unit 1 I like my new school Lesson 2

Unit 2 Where’s the Zoo? Lesson 1

Unit 2 Where’s the Zoo? Lesson 2

Unit 3 I have many new friends. Lesson 1

Unit 3 I have many new friends. Lesson 2

Unit 4 Let's tidy up. Lesson 1

Unit 4 Let's tidy up. Lesson 2

Unit 5 What do yo uusually do on weekends? Lesson 1

Unit 5 What do yo usually do on weekends? Lesson 2

Unit 6 I often walk to school. Lesson 1

Unit 6 I often walk to school. Lesson 2

Recycle 1 Activity 1

Unit 7 I want to be a policeman. Lesson 1

Unit 7 I want to be a policeman. Lesson 2

Unit 8 What does your father do? Lesson 1

Unit 8 What does your father do? Lesson 2

Unit 9 Do you like meat? Lesson 1

Unit 9 Do you like meat? Lesson 2

Unit 10 You should eat more vegetables. Lesson 1

Unit 10 You should eat more vegetables. Lesson 2

Unit 11 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Lesson 1

Unit 11 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Lesson 2

Unit 12 It's Spring Festival again! Lesson 1

Unit 12 It's Spring Festival again! Lesson 2

Recycle 2 Activity 2