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The worldwide spread of oil(免费使用)

Group works to build peace through medicine

Want to grow a root? Beets are hard to beat

Controlling cholera may be easier than thought

How much does a professor earn?

What is 'sovereign wealth fund'?

More people hear call of mobile activism

Finding ways to deal with harmful algae

Want to stay warm in winter? Think COLD

Life on the tenure track: A historian's history

Helping subprime borrowers: Too little? Too much?

E-books for colleges in developing nations

Fighting Exotic Newcastle disease

Slow and gentle are best In treating hypothermia

Students first, athletes second?

Help businesses in developing economies

Special trees and plants are part of the Christmas

Santa Claus: Do You Believe?

Computer Terms: Ever Google Someone?

Taking the pulse of public opinion about health problems

Losing It: It's Hard When You Lose Control