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US Doctor Group Urges Autism Testing for All Babies(免费使用)

The many sounds of college radio

Merrill Lynch CEO O'Neal is out after huge loss

Keeping count of who enters the world or leaves

Coyotes Eyeing the Sheep? Employ a Guard Llama

Farming marginal lands

Calculators in school still add up to debate

Citigroup's prince resigns as CEO

Shining a light on water to prevent infections

Risk in common method of enriching soil

Diabetes called a growing worldwide epidemic

Number of foreign students rises in US

Allowance helps children learn about money

Wireless long-distance Internet for rural poor

Turkey production costs are up

UN lowers estimate of HIV cases

Pilgrims face competition in Thanksgiving lessons

Petroleum: A short history of black gold

A cool way to keep food from spoiling

'Tsunami Tuesday' marks an intense primary season

Not all carrots are orange

Calculators subtract from thinking skills