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Jatropha Plant Raises Hopes for Fuel and Poor Farmers(免费使用)

New Civics Questions for US Citizenship Test

New Test for H5N1, and New Findings Why Virus Is So Deadly

North and South Korean Leaders Promise to Work for Peace, Economic Cooperation

'Green' schools grow around US

Making sense of a weak dollar

Project Aims to Raise Demand for Laptops for Poor Children

Some animal diseases can ruin a farmer

Of 'knockout' mice and the men who developed them

Colleges see green in sustainability studies

2007 Nobel in economics: Designing better markets

Hunger: New causes for same old problem

Combination of Medicine and Therapy Called Best for Depressed Teens

Children's health: New polio worries in Africa

Weighing the idea of a year off before college

Microsoft, the EU and facebook

Friends may be influential in losing the fat

Best treatment for depressed teens