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In '08 Campaign, a Debate Brings Everyday Citizens Into the Political Process(免费使用)

Discovery of 'Itch Gene' May Lead to New Treatments

China, Russia Win Top Results in Physics Olympiad in Iran

Murdoch's News Corp to Buy Dow Jones

Good Sports, Bad Sports

Working Magic in the Garden With Beans

Researchers Develop New Test to Predict Alzheimer's Disease

Will Credit Risk Weigh Down Debt Markets?

Few US Schools Now Named for People, Especially Presidents

Should HIV-Infected Mothers Breastfeed?

Countdown to 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing

Teacher in Space Answers Questions From Students

Epilepsy: Mysterious and Sometimes Misunderstood

Economics Not Such a Dismal Science for US High School Students

As Karl Rove Resigns, Democrats Wonder Where He Might Resurface

The Fight Over Farm Subsidies

When Medicines Become a Risky Mix

Recalls Add to Pressure on Toy Industry

Some (Adults) Call for Shorter Summer Break for US Kids

Dangerous Weather, Unforgiving Seas Add Up to Deadliest Job

Mercy Corps Seeks to Expand Its Services

China Sees Control of Pig Disease

Debating Year-Round Education