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Most Young Americans Plan to Vote for a Democrat in Next Year's Presidential Election(免费使用)

Researchers Work on Malaria-Resistant Mosquitoes

Improvements in Food Industry Earn Major Award for American Agricultural Scientist

World Trade Talks Break Down as the Group of 4 Fail to Reach Agreement

Historic Antioch College Faces an Unsure Future

Banks Look to Expand Microfinance Services

With Bush Appointees, US High Court Takes a More Conservative Position

Seeing Pressures but Also Possibilities in Urban Growth

The ABCs of Allergies

Students Do Not Always Like Being Told What to Wear (Duh!)

The Value of Teaching About Money

Bush Firm on War Policy Until September Report on Progress by Iraqis

Progress Mixed Halfway to Development Goals for 2015

Egypt Moves to Halt Female Genital Cutting

Evidence for School Uniform Policies in US Seen as Weak

Junior Achievement Teaches Business Skills to Young People

Intelligence Report Says al-Qaida Remains Top Threat to US Security

Congress Honors Norman Borlaug, Father of 'Green Revolution'

When Eye Problems Involve Diseases of the Retina

Trying to Renew Trust in 'Made in China' Label

Many US Farmers Struggle With Hot, Dry Weather

Working With Clay: A How-to Guide