新纪元小学英语 4A



类别: 小学  >  四年级  >  同步课程



《小学英语(新纪元英语)》HELLO ENGLISH 是四川省教育科学研究所和朗文教育出版(Longman)根据最新的《国家英语课程标准》(小学阶段)共同编写;并由四川人民出版社与朗文教育出版(Longman)联合推出的新颖小学英语教材。朗文教育出版是国际著名的英语教材出版社,隶属于世界最大的跨国教育出版公司培生教育出版集团(Pearson Education)。 《小学英语(新纪元英语)》HELLO ENGLISH 全套教材共12册,从小学一、三年级起始。


Unit 1 Time Chapter 1 Our birthdays(免费使用)

Unit 1 Time Chapter 1 Our birthdays More Practice

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 2 Tasting things

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 2 Tasting things More Practice

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 3 In my kitchen

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 3 In my kitchen More Practice

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 4 Sounds we hear

Unit 2 Using my senses Chapter 4 Sounds we hear More Prctice

Unit 3 Seasons Chapter 5 Festivals

Unit 3 Seasons Chapter 5 Festivals More Practice

Unit 3 Seasons Chapter 6 A Christmas visit

Unit 3 Seasons Chapter 6 A Christmas visit More Practice

Unit 4 Stories of the imagination Chapter 7 Wolf! Wolf!

Unit 4 Stories of the imagination Chapter 7 Wolf! Wolf! More Practice

Additional reading: Christmas