


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  行业英语



本书所精选的38篇课文源自20世纪90年代以来欧美国家的教科书或专著,编者对原作进行了必要的删减。通过学习这些课文,读者不仅能提高法律英语水平,而且能对相关法律制度和法律文化有大致的了解。 本书的篇章布局包括课文、课文之后的注释部分和练习题等内容。其中,课文的选材涉及当代各主要法律部门。在课文编排顺序上,编者既考虑到法律体系的逻辑,也照顾到由易到难的学习规律(如较艰深的宪法课文放在较后的位置)。课文的注释部分除了解释说明有关的法律术语外,还介绍有关外国法律的背景知识,并对部分长句、难句或关键句进行分析或汉译。为了兼顾自学者,有相当部分的课文作了较为详细的注释。练习题则形式多样。 本书可供法律专业的本科高年级学生作为教材之用,亦适用于从事或有志于涉外法律工作的人士以及对法律英语感兴趣者。


Unit One Preparation for Legal Education(免费使用)

Unit Two The legal Profession

Unit Three World Legal Systems

Unit Four Public Law

Unit Five Private Law

Unit Six Basic Principles of Common Law

Unit Seven Common Law and Equity

Unit Eight The English and the American Count System

Unit Nine The Sources of Criminal Law

Unit Ten Criminal Procedure

Unit Eleven Civil Procedure

Unit Twelve Nature and Classes of Contracts

Unit Thirteen Introduction to American Uniform Commercial Code

Unit Fourteen Law of Torts

Unit Fifteen What Is Trust?

Unit Sixteen Trademarks, Service Marks and Copyrights

Unit Seventeen Patents, Secret Business Information, Protection of Computer Software and Mask Work

Unit Eighteen A Comparative Analysis of Spam Laws: the Quest for Model Law

Unit Nineteen Law of Corporations

Unit Twenty Law of Bankruptcy

Unit Twenty-one Securities Regulation

Unit Twenty-two Employment Law

Unit Twenty-three Land law

Unit Twenty-four Administrative Law

Unit Twenty-five Sources of International Law

Unit Twenty-six The World Trade Organization (I)

Unit Twenty-seven The World Trade Organization (II)

Unit Twenty-eight The World Trade Organization (III)

Unit Twenty-nine The Evolution of the Meaning of the Term 'Investment'

Unit Thirty The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Unit Thirty-one Nature and Scope of the Conflict of Laws

Unit Thirty-two International Sales Transaction (I)

Unit Thirty-three International Sales Transaction (II)

Unit Thirty-four Types and Rules of International Commercial Arbitration

Unit Thirty-five International Human Rights Law

Unit Thirty-six The Changing Balance in Antitrust law

Unit Thirty-seven Constitutional Law

Unit Thirty-eight The Legal Research Process