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White House, Congress Try to Negotiate a New Spending Bill for Iraq War(免费使用)

As Chinese Investment in Africa Grows, So Do Risks

Something a Bone Will Never Say: Give Me a Break

Looking Behind the 'Fairtrade' Label

Discovery Could Ease Blood Shortages in Hospitals

Sarkozy's Economic Plan for France May Depend on June Elections for Parliament

Fighting Fire Ants With a Virus of Their Own

Fewer US Women Getting Mammograms

Foreign Student Series: US Colleges for the Deaf

Job Market Strong for College Graduates—Cerberus Buying Chrysler

GlobalGiving: Connecting Personal Donors to Local Projects

Harvard Economist Susan Athey Wins a Top Award

Choosing a Student Exchange Program to Come to the US

Ear Care: Do-It-Yourself Wax Removal

US and China Hold High-Level Trade Discussions

Bush Wins on Iraq Bill, but Democrats Promise to Renew Fight

United States Urges Chinese To Accept New Rules for Food Safety

Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women in Developing Countries