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Circumcision May Lower Men's HIV Risk By More Than First Reported(免费使用)

Big in Texas: Energy Company Agrees to a Record Buyout

Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor

Getting the Most Out of Marginal Lands

Studying in the US: Rules About Alcohol

New Malaria Drug Coming to Africa Is Low Cost, Easy to Take

Meeting the Demand for Ethanol

Congress Investigates Treatment of Wounded Troops Returning Home

How This Little Piggy Goes to Market

Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children

A Military Education, Though Not Necessarily for a Military Life

Worry Over Subprime Home Loans

Presidential Candidates Crowd the Field for a Long Race to November '08

Americans Warned of Higher Food Prices as Corn Goes to Ethanol

American Drug Officials Say Some Sleep Drugs May Do More Than Make You Sleep

Honors For Women From China, Guatemala, India and Sudan

Get A Military Education At the United States Military Academy at West Point

Fighting in Mogadishu Leads to Appeal for Countries to Keep Their Promise to Help Somalia

Trying to Understand Food Labels

Chest Compressions May Be Most Important Part of CPR

Studying Agriculture in the US

World Tuberculosis Day Observed